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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: Re: Гороскопы духовных лидеров Date : 20 Jan 2004 19:37 GMT From : Irina Vichajte [Avilana] (avilana@mail.ru) To : Gleb Iastrebov [gleb14]
Добрый вечер! GI> (3) Тереза Авильская (28.03.1515). (Одна из величайших католических GI> мистиков и GI> подвижников. Первая из женщин-святых, которая была объявлена Доктором GI> церкви.) Подумала, а вдруг кому-то будет интересно посмотреть на карту с учетом возможного времени рождения: Stephen Clissold "Saint Teresa of Avila," "On Wednesday the 28th March, 1515, at five o-clock in the morning within half an hour or so of daybreak by daughter Teresa was born." GI> Юпитер - 13-й Близнецов (по джиотишу, в Тельце), ретроградный Сатурн - 7-й GI> Стрельца (по джиотишу, в Скорпионе). С поправкой на календари получается так: Saint Teresa Of Avila Apr 7 1515 NS, 5:00 am, LMT +0:19 Avila Spain, 40°N39', 004°W42' Данные взяты из ADB. Там же есть данные другой Святой Терезы: Saint Therese De Lisieux Jan 2 1873 NS, 11:30 pm, LMT +0:00 Alencon France, 48°N26', 000°E05' Biography: French Roman Catholic nun canonized in 1925. She had her first visionary experience before 13 and entered a convent at 15, taking her final vows 8/08/1890. Her memoirs are published in the autobiography "Histoire D'Une Ame." She was the youngest of nine children; five of the girls survived and they all became nuns. Assigned to pray for Maurice Belliere, Therese responded to the young seminary student and in 21 letters, the two young people shared tenderness and affection, but with a love that focused on the kingdom of God instead of the desires of the world. A model of simplicity, sincerity, patience and devotion, she suffered with TB and died of a pulmonary hemorrhage 9/30/1897, 7:30PM, Lisieux, France at the age of 24. Rodden Rating: AA Source: Quoted BC/BR Source notes: T. Pat Davis quotes data from Mayoral Register ------------ А вот данные Saint Bernadette Saint Bernadette Jan 7 1844 NS, 2:00 pm, LMT +0:00 Lourdes France, 43°N06', 000°W03' Biography: French peasant girl who saw 14 visions of the Holy Mother at Lourdes; she was canonized in 1933. The eldest of six kids born to a poor French family, she was a gentle child, an asthmatic and delicate. On 2/11/1858, while out gathering kindling with two other kids, she saw her first of 18 mystical visions. There was a reappearance in three days, and then daily from 2/18 to 3/04/1858. Where she had prayed before the vision, a spring of clear water bubbled out. Church and state became concerned when people began to converge on Lourdes, finding healing properties in the water and inspiration in the simple girl's story. Bernadette entered a convent in Nevers in 1866 and died there on 4/16/1879. People continue to visit the springs of Lourdes today. Rodden Rating: AA Source: Quoted BC/BR Source notes: Luc de Marre quotes records given by Choisnard in Language Astral, 1922, p.218 ------------------ Saint John Bosco - Male Chart Aug 16 1815 NS, 5:20 pm, LMT -0:32 Castelnuovo Don Bosc Italy, 45°N03', 007°E58' Biography: Italian canonized Catholic priest, pioneer in educating the poor and founder of the Silesian Order. John Bosco's father died when he was two and he was brought up in a peasant family by his loving and very pious widowed mother. He and his older brother Joseph, supervised by their stepbrother, Anthony, tackled the endless farm work with energy. From an early age he was drawn to work among boys and young men, hearing the voice of the Master urging him on to this work. Ordained a priest on 6/05/1841 he settled in a suburb of Turin, Italy and soon had hundreds of youths attending his chapel and evening classes. He opened a boarding-school for apprentices and established workshops to teach tailoring, shoemaking and other trades to adapt the young men for the first industrial revolution in Italy. In Turin, on the evening of 12/18/1859 he and 22 companions founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales, which before his death had spread to England, France, Spain and South America. Because of his admiration for the spirit of St. Frances de Sales he called his helpers Silesians. They offered a general education and taught skills in agriculture and trade. Girls were also helped in a similar manner when he established the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians with the aid of St. Mary Mazzarello, a peasant woman from Genoa. Known for his missionary work, he led expeditions to Asia, Africa and Latin America. While he was in Brazil, he predicted the exact place for the future capital. Don Bosco died on 1/31/1888 in Turin. On Easter Sunday, 4/01/1934, his personal friend Pope Pius XI declared Don Bosco a saint; the Pope called him "a giant of sanctity." His feast day is January 31. A centennial observation in 1988 included the Italian motion picture "Giovanni Bosco," which starred Ben Gazzara. Rodden Rating: AA Source: Quoted BC/BR Source notes: Bordoni quotes baptism, "Vespere" (At the time of Vespers) --------------------- Padre Pio - Male Chart May 25 1887 NS, 4:10 pm, GMT +0:00 Pietrelcina Italy, 41°N12', 014°E51' Biography: Italian healer, a Capuchin monk and stigmatic. He was a special, unique case as he was the first priest "marked by God" in two thousand years. Nuns, monks and even lay persons have experienced the stigmata but never a consecrated priest. His phenomena was witnessed and reported by tens of thousands of people. Francesco Forgione was the eighth child in a poor family. He followed his vocation at 16 by joining the Capuchins, the most austere order of Franciscans, and he studied with them for eight years before being ordained in 1910. Conscripted in 1916, he attracted the attention of military doctors when he went on "sick call." He fell gravely ill with a temperature that climbed to 118 degrees, leaving the doctors gasping. He was given leave, sent home to die. His father superior sent him to the monastery at San Giovanni Rotondo. Once there, he recovered suddenly. His stigmata first appeared 9/20/1918 when one of the brothers found him with his hands bleeding copiously. He was taken immediately to his cell. When the doctor arrived, he insisted that photographs be taken. There was no reason for the wounds and the blood did not coagulate, but left a pleasant odor. These stigmata remaining visible for his lifetime. The church did not welcome the phenomena and they restricted Pio to his quarters, not allowing him to give the Mass or sacraments, while conducting examinations and inquiries, both by medical specialists and church dignitaries. He was kept under tight watch to see that he was not physically mutilating himself, with his hands in tight dressings and sealed with wax. No fraud could be found; indeed, the bloody bandages remained sweet smelling. With a dilemma on their hands, the Vatican forbade him to show his hands to anyone other than his inquisitors. From 1931 to 1933, he was literally sentenced to remain incognito. On 6/05/1923, the Vatican had published an apostolic act officially informing the public that the phenomena associated with the Capuchin brother Padre Pio had not been authenticated by Rome as supernatural. In 1933, to silence the Padre, his superiors ordered him to another monastery. When word got out, the people revolted. Peasants, businessmen, hotelkeepers and even the mayor blocked all the exits from the monastery, armed with hatchets, scythes and rifles, ready to stop any attempt to take their priest away. Business was booming in the town due to the rumors and declarations of evidence, and the good Italians wed their sense of devotion with their sense of commerce. Never again did Padre Pio receive orders of transfer. While the priest was in solitary confinement, people reported that he was seen at different bedsides of the ill and stricken. At times he was seen hundreds of miles away, comforting and healing, at the same time that he was known to be at prayers in the chapel. Pio was allowed once more to celebrate the Mass - - at 5:00 AM. The people were not deterred by the hour but flocked to the church to see the man whose hands bled when he lifted them in blessing, as had those of Christ. No mystic was ever victim of so many attacks by his peers or faced such hostility in the bosom of the church. It was the sheer weight of the mass of people who sustained him. During WW II, soldiers from Europe and as far away as American made the rugged trek up to the mountainous village, and carried the awesome story home with them of the priest who bore the wounds of Christ. One day in 1947, a Polish priest, just ordained, came to the monastery to make his confession and heard Pio say, "One day you will be Pope." Later, John Paul II prayed before the tomb of Padre Pio. His miracles numbered in the thousands. In the tradition of stigmatics, he had the graces of bilocation (being seen in more than one place simultaneously); distant vision; knowledge of the past, present and future life of the faithful; reading of souls; and healing. He suffered continually, with the wounds also on his feet, and it was witnessed that on occasion, while saying the Mass, he levitated. While in the state of mystical ecstasy, he appeared to be catatonic, though at times he was heard conversing with unseen angels. Known as a great healer, he was visited by multitudes, whose donations helped build and support a hospital. Padre Pio died on 9/23/1968. On the day of his death, the stigmata disappeared, leaving a clear and immaculate skin. He was beatified by the Roman Catholic church on 5/02/1999 and declared Saint on 6/16/2002, Rome at 10.21 AM (time from TV). Rodden Rating: AA Source: Quoted BC/BR Source notes: Bordoni quotes B.C. in Datanotizie No.26, 7/1999, 5:00 PM Rome time. Biographies were written by Maria Winowska, and by the Lutheran priest Bernard Ruffin in 1991. --------- И последняя карта, котрую хочу предложить (здесь с точностью времени рождения сложнее): Saint Francis of Sales - Male Chart Aug 31 1567 NS, 11:00 pm, LMT -0:25 Thorens Glieres France, 45°N59', 006°E15' Biography: French saint as he embodied the ideal of spiritual perfection, obedient and truthful, devoted to God. A Roman Catholic priest ordained on 12/18/1593, he became Bishop of Geneva. Saint Francis of Sales' "Introduction to the Divine Life" is considered his masterpiece and he is the patron saint of journalists. He died 12/28/1622, Lyon, France, was beatified in 1662 and canonized in 1665. Rodden Rating: C Source: Orig source not known Source notes: Lescaut quotes CA-145; DeMarre quotes Volguine for the same; no source (August 21 OS) Все данные взяты из ADB. C уважением, Ирина

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