Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: Re: New president of Yugoslavia Date : 03 Oct 2000 11:44 GMT From : Albert R. Timashev [arta] (arta@astrologer.ru) To : Duska [Duska Radivojevic] (akoidus@ptt.yu)
Dear Duska, D> The new president of Yugoslavia, Vojislav Kostunica, elected on D> 24 September 2000 Was he? It seemed to me that he wasn't, it's all the lying propaganda of the "democratic" opposition. I'm absolutely sure that Americans secretly finance the "democratic" movement of Yugoslavia and its leader Vojislav Kostunica to overthrow Slobodan Miloshevich. It exactly the same sutiation as there was in USSR in early 90s. As the result the "democrat" Eltsin came to power and destroyed our country by the way of "peaceful revolution". Your country is already fell apart like the USSR. Do you want more, the continuation of falling apart? Then do what the "democrats" tell you. If you don't want the continuation, then send them to the "light erotic trip", and don't believe in what they are saying. Currently Yugoslavia is the last bastion of the independance (from USA aggression) in Europe. If you fall, the Belorussia is next, then Ukraine and then Russia. USA DO NOT NEED the powerful Slav union at all, they do their best to keep us weak and dependent on their "help". Fight! Russians are with you! D> was born at 24 March 1944 with the ascendent at 20th grade of Virgo, D> on the fixed star Denebola. Any comment? All the following conclusions are made on the base of the natal chart you gave and the horar chart on 3 October 2000 15:02 MSK (GMT+04:00) St. Petersburg (59N55 30E15) in house=sign system. He is loser (see 10th house of both charts). He'll never make it (natal: empty 9th house, Jupiter retro in 12th). Or if he makes it, he will rule not very long and will be killed or overthrown and prisoned in a year by his opponents or maybe even partners (natal: Mars in 10th square Sun and Moon in 8th, Mercury as ruler of 1st and 10th in 8th; horar: Jupter in 7th square Mars in 10th with 1 degree orb). He is not independent at all, he obeys his secret wealthy partners (natal: ruler of 7th in 12th, ruler of 1st and 10th is burnt by Sun that is ruler of 12th, ruler of 2nd and 9th in 7th; horar: ruler of 1st in 7th) who controls the public opinion thru the mass media (natal: ruler of 9th in 7th; horar: Saturn as ruler of 2nd and 3rd houses in 7th). He is carrier of the foreign ideology of reforms (horar: ruler of 9th in 11th in trin with Jupiter in 7th; natal: Pluto as ruler of 9th [my opinion that Pluto is ruler of Taurus and Libra] in 12th) that can destry him (natal: rulers of 12th and 11th in conjunction in 8th), and his real goals, plans, partnets and advisers are unknown to the public (natal: Rahu in 12th; horar: rulers of 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses and Midheaven in 12th). He is in the extreme danger right now (horar: ruler of 8th in 1st, Rahu in 8th; natal: ruler of 1st and 10th is in 8th in conjunction with luminaries). So, my conclusion is: HE HAS NO CHANCE. He either will lose or will be killed soon. With best wishes, Albert R. Timashev

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