Many Russian
astrologers and people who are interested in astrology are very sorry that
there are no Russian newsgroups on astrology on the Internet,
and they have no ability to ask questions,
discuss original ideas, or simply chat on astrological items.
But, really there is no reason to be sorry, because
'newsgroups' is an old and not reliable technology. Today we have more
powerful and more flexible methods to do the same things, as newsgroups
was invented for.
In place of newsgroups we can use the NetForums technology, those allow us
to keep an eye on what is taking place on the Forum at real time,
and to take an active part in all discussions.
Actually NetForums are something middle between bulletin-boards
and chat-rooms, because when you press "Refresh" button of
your browser, you get a list of all messages currently posted into the Forum.
So, as we said above, you can take a part in the discussions almost at real time.
And there is no wonder in the fact that the NetForum on Astrology at
Astrologer.ru was created.
And so, let's start, Ladies & Gentlemen!
Thus the first of all
we should come to an agreement about the rules of the behaviour at this
NetForum. Please, remember that the Net is the community of the huge number of
personalities, and each of them has a right on his/her own views and opinions on every
subject. Disagreement with somebody's opinion is not a reason for abuse or other
insulting actions in any form.
The particular style of polemics, that is absolutely inadmissible
in the Forum, is provoking behaviour and insulting tone
of the messages. This means spiteful irony, scorn, malicious insults,
disrespectful, disparaging and disdainful attitude to interlocutor,
and other negative manifestations toward the opponent. In the contrary,
friendly irony, jokes, humour and another positive expressions regarding
interlocutor are always welcome.
In a few words, the best idea is to conduct yourself that way, as you want
others conduct themselves with you.
As regards the subject-matter, it should not turn very far aside from the
astrology and related sciences such as alchemy, magic and other occultic
disciplines. Do not post dull or vapid messages to NetForum,
for example, few-words messages like "Thank you a lot" and so on.
When posting message, it is obligatory to keep an eye on the text in the
Subject field, in order it fits the content of the message.
Systematical nonobservance of this rule is considered as disrespect to
the participants and visitors of the NetForum with all the ensuing
consequences (see below).
There are 12 message types:
The reply on the messages of all other
types by initiating the discussion of the fourth type (polemics)
is strictly prohibited.
The initiating messages of the fourth type must contain the constructive
opinions, hypothesis or ideas to discuss. It's recommended, if it's necessary,
to reply on the messages of the type 12 (moderatorial) by E-mail.
Only astrologers and those who study or want to study an astrology
can take part in the discussions. If you don't consider yourself among these
categories, you can read NetForum, but cannot post messages to it.
For violation of these Rules, the posting privilege
can be revoked from you by Moderator (Webmaster of Astrologer.ru),
who represents the interests of NetForum community. The revocation
can be permanent or temporarily depending on the kind of your violations.
The primary language of the NetForum is RUSSIAN.
The secondary language is ENGLISH.
If you reply on somebody's message, there will be great to speak in the same
language as it was wrote.
More over, when replying keep an eye on the quoted text, it should not be
larger then you own answer or comment. The good form is to delete unnecessary parts
of the quoted text from you reply.
If you are Russian-speaking user, you MUST read this Rules in Russian.
The main method of access to NetForum
is thru the Astrologer.ru site The alternative methods of access (read only): If you want to get the posting
privilege (an ability to post your messages and replyes to NetForum), you need to
register (you may register later by
clicking "Sign Up" button at the bottom of any NetForum page).
Otherwise, in order only to read NetForum, please enter your full name
and your E-mail below (if you have no E-mail, leave this field blank). Then
press the "Read NetForum !" button.
The NetForum membership is FREE and does not oblige you to anything except
to conform to the NetForum Rules.
polemics (challenge)
emotional message
humorous or not serious message
Astrologer.ru NetForum:
mvis.astrology (rostelecom)
su.astroclub (FIDOnet echo-conference):
mvis.astrology (relcom)
fido7.su.astroclub (rostelecom)
fido7.su.astroclub (relcom)
248322 visitors from March 12, 1998
If you have any comments or suggestions, please, E-mail