Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
Subject: Длительность жизни
Replies: 3100
Date : 07 Oct 1998 21:16 GMT
From : Vladimir Sazonov [vladimir] (vladimir@berlin.snafu.de)
To : All
Передаю в Форум письмо - кто что скажет ?
Для тех кто по английски мало копенгаген, скажу что речь идет об определении
персональной прогрессии - так чтобы с момента жизни до момента смерти прогрессия
была ровно 360 градусов.
Например, если человек жил (или собирается жить) 72 года, то эта прогрессия - 5
градусов в год, а если 60 лет - то шесть.
Далее, в Этой прогрессии должны произойти все мыслимые аспекты со всеми
планетами и быть событийными (не комментирую).
И далее, математическим методом своеобразной "ректификации" с помощью проб и
ошибок для каждого человека подбирается персональная прогрессия (а следовательно
и определяется длительность жизни).
I hope that announcements of new discoveries are not unwelcome in this
For the last two weeks, I have been absolutely dumbfounded, having
discovered, in the writings of Richard Houck, a previously unfamiliar
progression method that makes Secondary progressions, tertiary
progressions, and all other progression methods I'd ever run across seem
weak by comparison. This is, with the possible exception of the Dasa
system of Jyotish, the most powerful predictive technique I've ever run
I am as excited as the day, 20 years ago, I first realized there really
"was something to astrology".
This is unlike any other progression method I know of - it assumes that,
in addition to all the other cycles of progression operating in the
chart, each person's chart progresses by a completely personal and
unique rate (mine is 5.45 degrees of Midheaven movement per year). Each
person's chart will move at a rate unique to that person. The details of
how to determine a chart's unique rate is in the article paraphrased
But I want to tell you that after you discover this "unique progression
rate", you can use it not only to progress the angles (as explained
below) to aspect natal planets, but they also work quite well in their
conjunctions and oppositions to natal midpoints. And the "unique
progression rate" can also be used as a sort of "Solar Arc Progression",
adding it to the positions of the natal planets to progress them.
I tell you, I have never seen any chart progression technique work this
well before, this thoroughly, this clearly. This is absolutely amazing.
Try it.
- Peter Novak
Paraphrased excerpts from pps. 120-122 of Richard Houck's book "The
Astrology of Death"
"Ross Harvey's "Life Span Revolution" technique
Volume VII Number 2 of the magazine "Considerations" published the
preliminary research of astrologer Ross Harvey, who contends he has
discovered a fundamental mechanism that will invariably reveal anyone's
age at death within a few months (although, under certain conditions, it
may be incorrect by a year or two). His key points:
* Death is pre-programmed at birth without regard to cause. We each burn
personal time at a different rate, each having a different "metaphysical
* To figure out this "burn rate", anchor each person's life to one full
revolution of the earth after birth. Death occurs when all angles return
to their original positions. This is true whether the angles are
progressed directly or conversely, going backwards in the chart.
For each chart, the objective is to find the personal rate of directed
motion which will have the angles always aspecting a symbolically
appropriate natal planet at major life events. Gillman does this initial
fitting by a hit-and-miss procedure, starting the search using the
average lifespan rate for the average life span (if the average lifespan
was 72 years, then the average annual rate allocation would be 5
degrees). Ultimately he averages out the true hit rate. Then he merely
divides it into 360 to get the life span.
What needs to be known, obviously, is a reasonable number of important
events in the person's life since these are the keys to figuring out the
personal rate of progression. Since these events must have already
occurred, the system isn't very useful until about age 30 unless the
early period was both significantly eventful and documented...."
A final note -
This is far more than merely a technique to determine the lifespan - it
is a fully functional progression system, perhaps THE most useful of
all. In this system, all the angles make all possible aspects to all
planets exactly ONCE during the whole life. Using the rate of
progression as a "solar arc progression" rate, all the planets also make
all possible aspects to all other points making each aspect exactly ONCE
over the course of the life.
Once the "unique progression rate" is discovered, progressing the angles
works stunningly well, both to natal planets and to natal midpoints.
Likewise, using the rate as a "solar arc rate" to progress natal planets
works well also, but more so for hard aspects to natal planets and
angles than to midpoints or the soft angles.
- Peter Novak