Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
Subject: Internal Communication Index ?
Replies: 6344
Date : 22 May 2000 07:04 GMT
From : Анатолий Зайцев [AZ] (azet@mail.ru)
To : All
В старой досовской программе Пуллена есть "Internal Communication Index". О нём
написано следующее:
The normal range of the Internal Communication Index is from 50
to 70, but I have seen it as low as 20 and as high as 140. This
is simply the sum of intensities of all the aspects listed for an
individual chart. A person who has a lot of aspects is going to
have more communication between the personality functions
expressed by the planets than is a person whose planets do not
aspect each other. The index may indicate the richness of one's
inner experience or the complexity of one's personality.
Кто знает, как вычисляется этот индекс? Что такое "intensities" аспектов?