Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
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Астрологическая Консультационная Служба портала Русская Профессиональная Астрология

Subject: Princess Diana birth and death Replies: 778 819 Date : 01 Sep 1997 19:59 GMT From : Ian Cinis To : All
Всем Извинюсь, что не стал переводить с английского на русский, вроде и так все ясно. Сначала выдержка из The Guardian с урлом, насчет вермени смерти, затем натальная карта (вроде Accurate - плюс/минус 15 минут) с самыми грустными Ян Top Paris medical team fought against impossible odds before massive blood loss led to heart attack that caused death By Chris Mihill, Medical Correspondent Diana, Princess of Wales, died from massive blood loss leading to a heart attack which no amount of medical skill or high technology equipment could have prevented, one of the country's leading surgeons said yesterday. Professor Sir Miles Irving, head of surgery at Manchester University, paid tribute to the work of the French medical team, saying that the technical skills of Parisian paramedics and surgeons were among the highest in the world. He pointed out that in some crashes internal injuries caused such huge blood loss that a fatal heart attack was the almost inevitable result. The French surgeons at the Salpetriere Hospital opened the injured chest of the princess, repaired a ruptured vein and massaged her heart for two hours in a battle to save her life. Bruno Riou, head of the hospital's intensive care unit, said surgeons gave up their attempt to re-start her heart after massive internal bleeding in the chest. "Her chest cavity was urgently opened up, revealing a significant wound to her left pulmonary vein," he told a news conference. "Despite a closure of the wound and an external and internal cardiac massage lasting two hours, no effective circulation could be re-established, and death was noted at 4am." A ! ---------------------+ Sir Miles said it would have taken considerable skill to close the pulmonary vein, which takes blood from the lung back to the heart. "But my guess is that by then she was already dead, because they had to massage the heart to keep her going. They did everything necessary for about two hours as I understand it. They would have been faced with a heart which would not respond to drugs or electrical stimulation. "They probably tried a lot longer because of who she was and her fame, but also because she was a fit young woman of 36." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Princess Diana of England NAME Princess Diana of England BIRTH DATE: July 1, 1961 BIRTH TIME 07:45:00 PM WEDT TIME ZONE 0 TIME CORRECTION -1 BIRTH PLACE SANDRINGHAM, SUFFOLK,GB LATITUDE & LONGITUDE 0:E: 30: 0 52:N: 50: 0 2ND CITY 2ND LATITUDE & LONGITUDE SIDEREAL TIME OF BIRTH 13:25:18 DAY OF WEEK Sat SUN SIGN Cancer MOON SIGN Aquarius ASCENDANT SIGN Sagittarius 'ALIEN' PATTERN/S No Alien Patterns TRUE NAME AT BIRTH Diana Frances Spencer PROFESSION ROYALTY NATIONALITY BRITISH DATE/TIME OF DEATH CAUSE OF DEATH PLACE OF DEATH CIRCUMCISED N/A EYE COLOR BLUE HANDEDNESS RACE WHITE MARRIED 1 CHILDREN 2 NOTES 1 DAU OF 8TH EARL OF SPENCER; MARRIED PRINCE CHARLES NOTES 2 7-29-81; 5'10"; ANGLICAN SOURCE OF DATA FCC Q LTR Q MOTHER FROM QUEEN'S PRESS SECRETARY CLASSIFICATION A LAST MODIFIED DATE 02-18-1996-*-16:32 CATALOG I.D.# 3620 --------- Bce

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