Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
Subject: Re: "'T'@'P'R"
Replies: 25494
Date : 01 Oct 2004 02:10 GMT
From : Nadezhda [liei]
To : '@'~'p'''?'|'y'z 'H'p'z'?'u'r [AZ]
Izvinite za problemy s kodirovkoi. Ya pishu absolyutno bez podtekstov na etom
forume, isklyuchitelno s celju trenirovki mozgov, tyazhelo otdohnuvshih za leto.
'@'H> 'R't'u'|'p'| '' '?'''?'' 'q'|'?'{ 's'?'t'p 2 '~'p'x'p't 'y
'y'?'?'?'|'?'x'?'r'p'| 'u's'? 'r '~'u'{'?'''?'''?'ј 'r'u'''?'y'''ј ZET,
A chto eto za blok? Menya interesuyut koordinaty planet v intervale 5000-6500
BC, no iz izvestnyh mne astroprogramm tak daleko schitayut tolko swiss
ephemeris. Iz astronomicheskih programm na etot period nashelsya tolko StarCalc.
Nizhe ya privela gradusy planet, poschitannye programmoi Astrolog (swiss
ephemeris) i programmoi Starcalc. Iz ekvatorialnyh koordinat v eklipticheskie
perevodila s pomosshyu astrocalculyatora v ZET7. Kak vidno, gradusy personalnyh
planet pochti sovpadayut, a vot v raschetah Marsa, Yupitera i Saturna voznikayut
oshibki. Eto mozhet proishodit iz-za sboev v rabote astrocalculatora? Ili
nepravilny ephemeridy? Mozhet byt sushestvuyut drugie programmy,
rasschityvayushie period posle 5000BC? Ili tolko samostoyatelno schitat po
formulam? A po kakim?:) U menya eta tema visit s aprelya mesyaca, poetomu ya
gotova dazhe na matematicheskie podvigi. V principe, dostatochno rasschitat
tolkio bolshie cikly Yupitera i Saturna, a personalnye planety normalno
poluchayutsya i v swiss ephemeris.
Zaranee spasibo za sovet.
Proshu prossheniya za latinicu.
S uvazheniem,
Vzyaty daty 30.09.5998BC v Astrolog i StarCalc.
_[1;37mAstrolog 5.41F chart for Wed 30- 9--5998 9:24 (ST +0:00 GMT)
_[1;31m Sun 21Leo33
_[1;32mMercury 9Vir14
_[1;33mVenus 8Lib49
_[1;31mMars 4Sag50
_[1;31mJupiter 17Ari43
_[1;33mSaturn 3Can06
'Sun 143
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 9h 45m 59.61s Del: +13° 55' 23.8"
Topocentric: Alp: 9h 45m 59.11s Del: +13° 55' 18.6"
'Mercury 159
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 10h 40m 50.30s Del: +7° 10' 16.5"
Topocentric: Alp: 10h 40m 49.67s Del: +7° 10' 10.0"
'Venus 184
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 12h 35m 56.33s Del: -7° 40' 3.6"
Topocentric: Alp: 12h 35m 55.79s Del: -7° 40' 11.3"
'Mars 234
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 16h 13m 7.93s Del: -24° 35' 10.0"
Topocentric: Alp: 16h 13m 7.93s Del: -24° 35' 17.7"
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 13h 26m 38.04s Del: -9° 53' 11.1"
'Saturn 127
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 8h 44m 7.26s Del: +21° 15' 7.9"
_[1;37mAstrolog 5.41F chart for Mon 30- 9--5860 13:57 (ST +0:00 GMT)
_[1;31mSun 23Leo13_
_[1;32mMercury 12Vir02
_[1;33mVenus 10Can33
_[1;31mMars 17Gem19
_[1;31mJupiter 23Ari21
_[1;33mSaturn 21Aqu31
'Sun 145
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 9h 50m 8.29s Del: +13° 32' 57.6"
Topocentric: Alp: 9h 50m 8.42s Del: +13° 32' 54.3"
'Mercury 162
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 10h 52m 57.93s Del: +5° 30' 43.0"
Topocentric: Alp: 10h 52m 58.23s Del: +5° 30' 37.5"
'Venus 102
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 6h 55m 57.68s Del: +24° 38' 8.1"
Topocentric: Alp: 6h 55m 57.42s Del: +24° 38' 6.1"
'Mars 78
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 5h 9m 3.40s Del: +25° 12' 4.8"
Topocentric: Alp: 5h 9m 3.15s Del: +25° 12' 3.2"
'Jupiter 93
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 6h 15m 17.37s Del: +25° 37' 20.1"
Topocentric: Alp: 6h 15m 17.31s Del: +25° 37' 19.8"
'Saturn 29
Equat. coordinates (at the current epoch):
Geocentric: Alp: 1h 48m 57.54s Del: +10° 31' 6.1"
Topocentric: Alp: 1h 48m 57.54s Del: +10° 31' 5.7"