Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"

Subject: Re: Правильный Зодиак
Date : 04 Mar 2001 11:42 GMT
From : Viacheslav Selyahovich [Viacheslav]
To : Denis [Denis Kutalyov] (brol@pool-7.ru)
D> . Так, если
D> говорить об индийском Зодиаке Лахири (где Спика - 0 Весов), то его
D> расхождение с
D> тропическим в 150 г. составляло всего 52 минуты дуги. А с сидерическим
D> Зодиаком
D> Фэйгана-Бредли тропический Зодиак тогда расходился на 59 минут дуги (точное
D> совпадение Зодиаков было в 222 г.).Господа, послушайте, что пишут про
D> индусов
In India was probably the Zodiac used by Greek astrologers, which, owing to the
spread of astrology, became transmitted to India in the 2nd century AD. This was
apparently in a Hellenised, Tropical form, so moved round 4° or so against the
stars, until the Indians decided that they wanted it Sidereal, so they stopped
it moving! This occurred in the 5th century A D. A modem Indian redefinition of
this moved it back 3°, so that Spica was at 30° Virgo. Indian astrologers do not
admit that their Zodiac was so derived, believing in the immemorial antiquity of
Hindu culture etc , so have the problem of not knowing what the original
reference for their Zodiac was. However, the important point here is that they
have ended up with a star-based Zodiac differing by only 1 ° from the original
Babylonian Zodiac, without having any knowledge of it.
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С уважением,
Вячеслав Селяхович