Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: Re: Непал...астрология - продолжение Информация Date : 07 Jun 2001 12:03 GMT From : Denis Maimistov [DenisM] (AstroSchool@mail.convey.ru) To : All
Продолжение новостей СМИ. Якобы королевский астролог Mangal Raj Joshi (чья семья работала на Непальских королей 20 поколений) утверждает, что никто не ожидал такого и что и сейчас он не способен обьяснить. Что о предсказаниях (35 лет и т.д. - см. мое предыдущее письмо -Д.М.) он знает только из газет. И что он потерял !! гороскоп короля Birendra. (Joshi confessed to having lost King Birendra's horoscope, a complex symbol of geometrical diagrams and Sanskrit symbols, prepared on the basis of the exact time and place of his birth. The chart would have mapped out the dead king's life in detail). Денис Маймистов From "Telegraph" (London) June 6, 2001 http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=003901770261704&rtmo=pUMeNMle&atmo=rrrrrrrq& pg=/et/01/6/6/wnep206.html Astrologer unable to foresee royal massacre By Rahul Bedi in Kathmandu Kathmandu under new curfew as riots go on A NEPALESE Royal Astrologer confessed yesterday that the massacre of the royal family in a hail of bullets had been "unforeseen". Mangal Raj Joshi, the court astrologer, said yesterday: "No one expected it. I am not able to explain what happened but it is terrible." The 81-year-old astrologer was sitting cross-legged in a dingy room in a suburb of Nepal's capital, Kathmandu, surrounded by astrological charts, horoscopes and faded pictures of the murdered King Birendra and Queen Aishwaraya. He added: "Heavenly planets control the situation on the ground and sometimes we are unable to explain them adequately." Joshi, whose family has worked for Nepal's Shah kings for more than 20 generations, continues as the new King Gyanendra's astrologer and as head of the National Calendar Committee. His first task for the new monarch is to determine the most auspicious time for his crowning on Monday morning. Nepal's royals, like the rest of the country, are dependent on astrologers, palmists and soothsayers. They rely heavily on their star-reading skills and ability to "manage" planets to help them navigate their private and public lives. Joshi said he had not consulted with the two other royal soothsayers after last week's killings because the 10 deaths had "numbed" them all. He claimed no knowledge, other than from newspaper accounts, of the astrological prediction that cautioned King Birendra's son and heir Dipendra from marrying before he was 35 years old, as that would spell the end of the Shah dynasty. The prince is believed to have gunned down his parents and seven relatives after a row over his choice of bride. However, Joshi confessed to having lost King Birendra's horoscope, a complex symbol of geometrical diagrams and Sanskrit symbols, prepared on the basis of the exact time and place of his birth. The chart would have mapped out the dead king's life in detail. But the court soothsayer, who also teaches astrology at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan University, admits that determining any person's date of death requires "deep and intense study". Joshi also taught Crown Prince Dipendra geography in his MA besides giving him "celestial" advice. Joshi, a valued aide, was awarded the coveted Right Hand of the Gorkha medal by the dead king. His duties at court include deciding the date and time for all major royal events and presiding over the monarch's birthday celebrations

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