Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: Re: Рождение Клона и ребенок "из пробирки" Date : 28 Dec 2002 20:02 GMT From : Denis Maimistov [DenisM] (AstroSchool@mail.convey.ru) To : Jet [Vladimir Poliansky]
> DM> 1). 26 дек. в 11:55. > > Время то в GMT каое --? > ----------------------------------- Если это в Valcourt, Quebec, то как обычно (EST) - 16:55 GMT, но только если это действительно там ... у них же есть отделения по всему миру... Есть проблема с наличием разрешения на клонирование, отчего место рождения может скрываться. Можно никогда не выяснить истины. P.S. В этой же статье говорится "...While the U.S. has no specific law against human cloning, the FDA has said its rules forbid human cloning without prior agency permission.It was not clear what steps the FDA would take, but a source said the agency plans to ask Clonaid exactly where the alleged cloning took place." P.S.P.S. Можно попытаться сравнивать с картой 1го ребенка, рожденного "в пробирке". У Rodden: Louise Joy Brown 25 Jule 1978 23:47:00 GDT (+01:00) Oldham, England 53°33'N; 2°07'W ASTRODATABANK : #14729 RODDEN RATING : A TIME ACCURACY : Undetermined DATA SOURCE : News report HOW KNOWN : Media DATA TYPE : Public Figure TIMEZONE : GDT (Daylight) SOURCE NOTES: LMR quotes news on 7/30/1978 CATEGORIES: Birth:Cesarean Birth:Test tube baby Book Collection:Profiles Of Women Body:Hair:Brown Childhood:Birth order:First Famous:News figure:First test-tube baby Body:Size:Husky British child, the world's first test-tube baby, born by Caesarean section. Her mom's ovum was germinated in a lab experiment on 11/10/1977 and implanted five days later. John and Lesley Brown were unable to conceive, and they were happy to cooperate with Doctors. Edwards and Steptoe, who had put in ten years of research and 70 attempts to create in-vitro fertilization. When the successful birth of a healthy girl was announced, there was, at first, a great outcry that it was unnatural and ungodly, but the publicity died down. John, a truck driver, and Lesley managed to give Louise a normal upbringing and enough poise to handle TV and media interviews. At 15, she was a husky girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes. A typical teen, Brown says that she "likes loud music and stupid clothes." Four years after Louise was born, the Browns had another daughter through the in-vitro method. In both cases Lesley got pregnant on the first try, which is remarkable, as the success rate is normally 15%. Денис М

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