Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"

Subject: Sydney Omarr - данные и офиц. газетная биграфия
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Date : 06 Jan 2003 00:51 GMT
From : Denis Maimistov [DenisM] (AstroSchool@mail.convey.ru)
To : All
Знаменитый "астролог", один из отцов колонок солнечных знаков в Америке.
На них, а также платных телефонных звонках - консультациях (+ книги на
каждый солнечный знак и консультации знаменитостей) заработал миллионы.
Умер во вторник, 3 января.
Рожденный как Sidney Kimmelman в 10:27 5 августа 1926 in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Обратите внимание, ACS атлас дает разницу с гринв. 4 часа.
Однако, согласно информации от одного астролога в книге сам Sydney Omarr "My
World of
Astrology, by Sydney Omarr, published 1965" пишет "with the Moon, Venus and
Pluto in
Cancer, in the Ninth House . . . " и далее (page 147)- "Let us case a horoscope,
that of
Sydney Omarr. He was born on August 5, 1926, 10:27 am, Eastern Standard Time,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." То есть разница 5 часов.
Еще в 1971 г.- множественный склероз, затем паралич и слепота. Но работал.
Не пропустите мимо внимания неаспектированный Уран (есть спорные 135 гр.),
а так же Белую Луну в близнецах.
Все американские газеты печатают его биографию (или ее куски), подготовленную
Далее следуют тексты из Los An. Times, New York
Times, Reuters
Можно переводить с помощью http://www.translate.ru/srvurl.asp?lang=ru
Денис Маймистов
1. С http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-omarrobit3jan03.story Есть
современная фотография. Для чтения на сервере нужна подписка (бесплатно).
Sydney Omarr, the astrologer and counselor to the rich and famous whose
horoscopes are the
most widely read in the world, died Thursday. He was 76. Blinded and paralyzed
from the
neck down by multiple sclerosis, Omarr died at St. John's Health Center in Santa
Monica,Calif., of complications from a heart attack. His ex-wife, assistants and
close friends were by his side.
A lifelong promoter of the ancient art of divining the future from the
juxtaposition of
the planets and stars, Omarr was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1971 but
working until he suffered a massive heart attack Dec. 23.
He reached millions through his 13 books and his column, which is owned by the
Tribune Co.
and appears in more than 200 daily newspapers. Arrangements are being made for
assistants to continue producing the column under Omarr's name.
Omarr's books-- one for each of the 12 signs of the zodiac plus one for the
year--have sold 50 million copies worldwide.
Although he took his job as horoscope master to the masses seriously, Omarr also
on having fun. He especially enjoyed splurging on lavish dinner gatherings and
In a recent interview with the Times, Omarr said, "I win more than I lose."
The interview was his first after more than a decade of keeping a low profile as
devastated him physically. He believed that this year, with Jupiter in the fifth
house, he
was poised for success through publicity.
But, then, "Sydney always had the boyish charm of the man of the hour," said
assistant and friend, Paul Smalls. "He was always the Leo surrounded by adoring
women and
"About those adoring women," Omarr liked to say, "it's the astrology they're in
with,not me."
Benson Srere, who worked with Omarr at the United Press news service in the
early 1950s,
said Omarr was valued by his readers "not because they believe every word he
wrote, but
because it always contained threads of hope and encouragement."
His fans ranged from working stiffs to politicians and princes, movie stars and
scholars.The walls of his Los Angeles apartment are covered with framed
photographs of him
with celebrities such as actresses Angie Dickinson and Jayne Mansfield, and
Lawrence Durrell and Henry Miller.
Omarr was born Sidney Kimmelman at 10:27 a.m. on Aug. 5, 1926, in Philadelphia,
with the
sun, Mercury and Neptune all in Leo, and Libra on the ascendant.
His fascination with the influence of the heavens on the affairs of mankind
began in grade
school. Omarr was already performing sleight-of-hand tricks in magic shops when,
at age
15, he saw a movie called "Shanghai Gesture" starring Victor Mature as a
character named
Aiming to increase his chances for success, he changed the "i" to "y" in his
first name
and added a second "r" to his newly adopted last name, both in accordance with
numerological formulas.
The same year, still in his teens, he wrote a book called "Sydney Omarr's
Private Course
on Numerology," and hawked mimeograph copies for $2. He also started analyzing
horoscopes of movie stars such as Edward G. Robinson for movie magazines.
"When I started out, it was, 'Send me a dollar and a birth date and I'll solve
problem,' " he recalled earlier this year. "My father, Harry, a grocer, and
mother, Rose,
a housewife, stopped worrying about me when the checks started coming in."
After enlisting in the Army at 17, Omarr was transferred to Okinawa, Japan,
where his
weekly Armed Forces Radio program-- "Sydney Omarr's Almanac"-- predicted the
outcomes of
professional boxing matches and horse races and was heard throughout the Pacific
After the service, he took journalism courses at Mexico City College. His first
job after
college was for United Press as a news reporter. One of his first assignments
was to
interview Goodwin Knight, then California's Republican governor, who, it turned
out, had
been reading Omarr's columns for years.
When Omarr arrived at the governor's office, Knight asked everyone else to leave
the room.
He then showed Omarr his confidential file of horoscopes of every friend and foe
"We became close friends," Omarr recalled.
Omarr later spent a decade as a CBS radio newsman before becoming a full-time
and astrological consultant to Hollywood luminaries.
Save for a few exceptions, however, he drew a line on giving horse-racing tips
to friends,
or personal readings, even to millionaires who sent him blank checks.
"I've always thought it was a bad idea," he said. "If people win, they're happy.
But when
they lose, they get mad at you."
By the 1970s, Omarr was a headliner on television talk shows hosted by Mike
Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin, Regis Philbin and Tom Snyder.
When it became impossible to hide the symptoms of MS, however, Omarr quietly
withdrew to
the confines of his home, working long hours dictating his column to an
assistant and
rewarding himself at the end of the day with a shot of good scotch and a
The horoscope he wrote for himself and his fellow Leos for Thursday, the day he
died, was
upbeat as usual. It said, in part, "You will beat the odds, much to the
astonishment of
Omarr is survived by his sister Leah Lederhandler.
2. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/04/obituaries/04OMAR.html Есть старая
Sydney Omarr, Popular Astrologer and Author, Dies at 76
Sydney Omarr, an astrologer whose divinations were available in more than 200
in 13 books a year and on a pay-per-call phone line, died on Thursday at a
hospital in
Santa Monica, Calif. He was 76.
The cause was complications of a heart attack, The Associated Press reported.
About 90 percent of American newspapers carry horoscopes, but ever since Newton,
science has not been kind to the idea of forecasting the future on the basis of
movements. Mr. Omarr nonetheless defended astrology in public debates with
scientists like
Linus Pauling and Carl Sagan.
A biography prepared by the Tribune Company, which owns his column, boasted that
magazine once called Mr. Omarr "astrology's most skillful public protagonist."
termed him Mr. Astrology.
He was born Sidney Kimmelman at 10:27 a.m. on Aug. 5, 1926, in Philadelphia,
with the sun,
Mercury and Neptune all in Leo, and Libra on the ascendant.
He decided to change his name at 15 after seeing a movie called "Shanghai
starring Victor Mature as a character named Omar. Relying on obscure
formulas, he changed the I in his first name to Y, and added the second R to
Still 15, he wrote his first book, "Sydney Omarr's Private Course on
Numerology." He sold
mimeographed copies for $2.
He became a contributor to astrology magazines, which gave him small
advertisements as
compensation. The advertisements encouraged readers to send him their birth
dates, a small
fee and a personal problem to solve.
"My father, Harry, a grocer, and Rose, a housewife, stopped worrying about me
when the
checks started coming in," he said in a Los Angeles Times interview.
He enlisted in the Army at 17 and managed to specialize in astrology. He was
host of a
popular radio talk program in Okinawa that was heard throughout the Pacific. He
outcomes of sporting events.
After his discharge, Mr. Omarr attended journalism courses at Mexico City
College and went
on to become a reporter for United Press and a radio news director and editor
for CBS in
He became friends with movie actresses like Kim Novak, Mae West and Rita
Hayworth and
began to write his column. His parties were legendary; he was Merv Griffin's
television astrologer, and he methodically cranked out 13 books a year, one for
each sign
of the zodiac and one for all 12 signs.
He also wrote single-topic books linking astrology to romance, cooking and
winning lottery
numbers. His books have sold more than 50 million copies.
Mr. Omarr was eventually blinded and paralyzed by multiple sclerosis, which was
diagnosed in 1971. He dictated his column to assistants, who will continue to
write it in
his name.
He is survived by his sister, Leah Lederhandler.
He drew the line at giving horse racing tips to friends and declined to give
readings, even to millionaires who sent him blank checks. But he eagerly pursued
opportunities, not least a Sydney Omarr slot machine.
Jeraldine Saunders, a former fashion model and television producer who was Mr.
wife for eight months in 1966, remembered his wit in an interview with The Los
"When we were flying around the world together he'd say, 'Remember Jeraldine, if
plane goes down, tell them I predicted it."
3. Astrologer To Stars Dies In Carlifornia
05/01/2003 06:42 AM Reuters
LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) - Sydney Omarr, the world's most
widely read astrologer and a prognosticator to real life Hollywood
stars, has died at age 76 from complications of pneumonia in southern
California, his ex-wife has said.
Omarr died at St John's Health Centre in Santa Monica, California on
Thursday, surrounded by close friends and assistants who for years
helped him put out his syndicated horoscope column. Omarr was
hospitalised on December 23 suffering from double pneumonia, his
ex-wife, Jeraldine Saunders, told reporters. He had suffered since 1971
from multiple sclerosis, which left him blind and paralysed, but had
entertained as recently as two weeks before his hospitalisation,
Saunders said. His hugely successful column, which ran seven days a week
in 125 US and foreign newspapers, will now be written by Saunders, said
Walter Mahoney, vice president of domestic syndication for the Tribune
Media Co in Chicago.
Saunders, a former model and cruise director whose career was the basis
for the popular TV series "Love Boat," also wrote a book called "Love
Signs" that combines astrology and related arts, and has lectured
extensively on the subject. She was married briefly to Omarr in 1966 and
remained one of his closest friends. She said the column would keep
Omarr's name and continue to use his methods. "I do everything just the
way he does it because ... his column was so much more accurate than any
others," Saunders told Reuters. "He would tie in numerology and
palmistry and the kabbala."
Omarr told friends that he wanted to be remembered as the man who
defended astrology, according to a rare interview he granted to the Los
Angeles Times last month. As an astrologer, he had a devoted following
that included former California Governor Goodwin Knight, Mae West,
Jennifer Jones, Angie Dickinson, Jayne Mansfield and a onetime actor
named Ronald Reagan, for whom Omarr predicted great things.
In a column due to run January 14, Omarr wrote that he wanted his
epitaph to be "He was handsome and erudite. He enjoyed boxing and his
star rose when he fought the good fight for astrology," Saunders said.
He told the Times he didn't understand how the positions of celestial
bodies affected human affairs, just that they did. "No one knows what
gravity is either but we don't fear falling off the world," he said in
the December 13 interview. In addition to his column, Omarr wrote 13
books annually - one on each of the 12 signs of the zodiac and one on
the astrological year. His books have sold more than 50 million copies.
The man who would become the world's best known astrologer was born
Sidney Kimmelman on August 5, 1926, under the sign of Leo, son of a
Philadelphia grocer and a housewife. He became fascinated with
stargazing and magic in grade school, and by 15, began analysing
celebrity horoscopes for magazines and selling personalised horoscopes
for $1 (62 pence) each. The same year, he changed his name to test a
numerological theory that the new moniker would add pizzazz to his life,
he told the LA Times. He ound his new surname in the film "Shanghai
Gesture" starring Victor Mature as a character named Dr. Omar.
In 1943, he enlisted in a Army and was shipped to Okinawa as the US
military's first and only astrologer, predicting the outcomes of
sporting events on a weekly radio show for the Armed Forces Network.
After the Army, he went to work for United Press and CBS radio as a news
reporter, later giving up journalism to become a full-time columnist and
astrology consultant.
His proudest moment, he told the Times, was a 1951 debate he had with
astronomer Roy Marshall over the legitimacy of astrology. In the 1970s,
his columns, books and celebrity studded parties had catapulted Omarr to
fame, landing him on the couches of several talk show hosts, including
Merv Griffin, Johnny Carson and Mike Douglas, as the resident stargazer.
He became paralysed below the neck about 20 years ago and blind 15 years
after that, but dictated his column and recorded daily horoscopes for
his pay-per-use telephone horoscope service after planetary charts were
read to him. "He never faltered for a word and he added drama to it,"
Saunders said. She added that he was a typical Leo: very generous and
always delighted to have an adoring crowd around him.