Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
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Астрологическая Консультационная Служба портала Русская Профессиональная Астрология

Subject: Re: Новые имена Кентавров Date : 15 Jun 2003 10:22 GMT From : Denis Maimistov [DenisM] (AstroSchool@mail.convey.ru) To : Jet [Vladimir Poliansky]
DM>> Володя, добрый день. DM>> Я не понял вопроса J> Привет! J> Какой звездной величины обьекты,есть ликрупнее Хирона? J> И еще,какие известны трактовки ТНО и Кентавров от западных коллег-? J> Jet Володя, это же давно открытые Кентавры, сейчас они только получили имена - все данные есть везде (у Дениса Куталева в энциклопедии, например). Звездной величины, если ты имеешь в виду H (Absolute magnitude), крупнее, чем Хирон - нет среди них. Если бы появился такой Кентавр, было бы известно со времени его открытия. Но звездная величина Кентавров не является принципиальным фактором для суждения о них. Ты же не судишь о планетах по зв. величине. Для Кентавров важна эксцентричность их орбиты, которая и делает их Кентаврами, как особой группой (близко SDO: TL66 и др.). Мы это здесь уже обсуждали наверное пару лет назад. Я давал ссылки на классификации разного вида малых планет. Их (разные типы) нельзя рассматривать все вместе в одной каше. Другое дело - Plutino (1996TP66 (15875), Huya (38628), Ixion (28978) и др.), например, которые всем похожи на Плутон - их как раз имеет смысл ранжировать именно по зв. величине, особенно в виду их количества. Действия то представителей всех групп как раз зависят от типа группы. Если ты хочешь исследовать сам, не полагаясь на классификации астрономов, хочешь найти еще какие-то особенности для себя - сгрузи astorb. dat, я уже и это советовал, и ранжируй сам. Иначе у тебя всегда будет случайная выборка малых планет (по типу о существовании каких удалось узнать). Потом можешь только добавлять принципиально новой информацией. Адрес (по памяти, некогда сейчас проверять) ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/ Если не так, поищи на Altavista и пр. по названию (astorb. dat) Звездная величина H - по-моему 4ая колонка, вообще на сервере есть есть пояснения, они понятны даже без знания английского. Подпишись на астрономические листы, чтобы быть всегда в курсе новой информации. Удобно по группам у астрономов http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/Centaurs.html А для начала удобно следить вслед за Juan Revilla (автор Riyal) - он обновляет программу тут-же как только что-то принципиальное появилось и точность уже доступна для исследования. В "readme" к программе и классификация объектов дается - тех, которые есть в самой программе (Plutino мало - только крупные, их же вообще бесчисленное кол-во). http://www.expreso.co.cr/centaurs/ Кстати, инициатором введения классификаций в Riyal была М.А. Алмазова. Об интерпретациях зарубежных астрологов. Среди активно представленных в сети и занимающихся совсем давно (10-20 лет) - Zane B. Stein, Philip Sedgwick, Robert von Heeren ( http://www.centaurresearchproject.de/menu/ ). Поищи в сети, там много. Кстати, ссылки по-моему давно есть у Куталева. Ниже пример из Philip Sedgwick. Он был один из первых, кто выпускал эфемериды для Кентавров и ряда TNO (TL66, TO66..) c краткими интерпретациями. И в первую очередь обратил всеобщее астрологическое внимание на и мунданную роль TL66. Я, например, когда осознал, например, участие TL66 в тау-квадрате с сатурном и плутоном в районе 1956г (да частью и с юпитером в соединении с плутоном), был, помню шокирован (это мой пример, не Sedgwick). У нас в Школе его эфемериды 1998 года выпуска. Примеры порядка полугодичной давности. Некоторые уже с тех пор получили имена. Сначала примеры неименованных, затем именованных. Some preliminary keywords for unnamed Centaurs by Phil Sedgwick Copyright Phil Sedgwick, February 2003, written for CRP UG5 31824 - Expression of self and ego through word and writing. Positive: Excellent communication, articulate, precise. Negative: Verbose, boastful, shallow in conversation. PT13 32532 - Relational and professional attitudes based upon one another. I am what I am because of my career status or relationship ornament. Positive: Balance between relationship and work, money and sexuality. Negative: Object oriented, status seeking, mercenary in work ethics, stunned by glamour and beauty of partner. BU48 33128 - Conflict between ego and material possession, identity as a function of resources. Positive: confidence in inner resourcefulness, which allows for use of all talent. Negative: materialistic, avaricious, beliefs possessions equal identity. 44594 - The power of knowledge comes to light. Those who know rule the world. Positive: sharing of wisdom, ideas and concepts to increase the greater good. Negative: secretive, hoarding ideas, arrogant flaunting of knowledge never revealed, intentional misinformation. 1994 TA - The need to assert one's accomplishments (generally professional) in the interest of recognition. Positive: sense of self accomplishment, legacy oriented, a mentor. Negative: solicitousness, bragging, indiscriminate flirting. 1995 SN55 - Urge to establish self value regardless of relationship status. Positive: Warm, supportive, nurturing in one to one relationship. Negative: Needy, self centered to a fault, showcase relationships. 1996 AR20 - The urge to understand unresolved questions and mysteries through discussion. Positive: Highly insightful ability to ask questions. Negative: Incessant questioning and banal fixations. 1996 RX33 - A balance of individuality for the purpose of soul fulfillment, regardless of ego. Positive: Confident and self assured in expressing uniqueness and ingenuity. Negative: Cranky weird, contentious, highly rebellious. 1998 QM107 - Balancing emotions and ego as a function of professional status. Positive: Giving, nurturing and sharing to and with coworkers with extraordinary capacities. Negative: Demanding, infantile in work relationships, flaunts social status as a result of accomplishments, showcases with past laurels . 1998 SG35 - Need and ability to heal the ego by overcoming criticisms, both self imposed and external. Positive: Clarity, impeccability and loyalty to personal and emotional needs, praising, complimentary. Negative: Critical, judgment, condemning both of others and self, defaming, blasphemous, solicitous. 1998 TF35 - Sense of value, self worth, economic freedom with spiritual emphasis. Positive: Wealthy eccentric, affluent, humanistic, generous, spiritual involved. Negative: Selfish, demanding, greedy. Manipulates with karma or projected spiritual status. 1999 HD12 - Acceptance of whole and pure nurturing. Positive: Acceptance of support and responsive to praise. Negative: Rejecting of those attempting to help. Constant complaining about the lack of fundamental care in life. 1999 JV127 - Primal sense of self. Developing a healthy self referential attitude. Positive: Confidence in raw talents. Self assured nurturing instincts. Negative: Overly subconscious in motivations. Subjective and projective. Extremely protective. 1999 XX143 - Maintaining a balance of individuality and others within the domestic environment. Positive: Feeling accepted by family and close friends. Negative: Portraying black sheep image. Isolated and sullen at home. Doing it for family to the extreme. 2000 CO104 - Emotional intensity, passionate creativity, inspirational capacity. Positive: Uplifting, stimulating, infinitely artistic and creative. Negative: Addicted to emotional drama, emotionally controlling and manipulative. 2000 EC98 - Cosmic picture vs. detail orientation. Abstract logic vs linear logic. Positive: Balanced perspective of overviews combined with essential detail. Negative: Picky, judgmental, cantankerously weird, ungrounded. 2000 FZ53 - Acute relationship awareness. Ability to negotiate relationship conflicts. Positive: Clarity in relationship communication. Honest, direct, self assured in interactions. Negative: Clingy, dependent, holds back on communication based upon perceived reactions. 2000 GM137 - Extreme inquisitiveness and cat-like curiosity. Relationship communication clarity. Positive: Questioning and open minded. Negative: Overly scrutinizing specializing in Pandora's box scenarios. 2000 QC243 - Use of complete compassion and forgiveness toward others. Positive: Understanding, compassionate, forgiving, tolerant. Negative: Full of guilt and shame - projected onto others. 2000 SN331 - Highly questioning nature. Asks surface level questions seeking the greatest depth in the answer. Positive: Seeking, questioning unafraid of shadows. Negative: Diverting, avoiding, asks questions to answer a question. 2001 BL41 - Perceptions of an abundant Universe. Positive: Generous, available and sharing. Negative: Greedy, hostile regarding work position and money earned. Desperately competitive. 2001 KF77 - Claiming of soul urge. Development of pure confidence and self assuredness. Positive: Strong, inspired, non-competitive, motivated. Negative: Possessive, insecure, ego proclaiming, pouting, fearful. 2001 SQ73 - Quest for ultimate individuality. Confident in all aspects of self. Positive: Iron will and certainty of healthy eccentricity and imaginative ability. Negative: Weird just to be contentious. Overbearing ego. Sense of intellectual superiority. 2001 XZ255 -The quest for pure self expression. Positive: Clear, articulate, assertive, confident. Negative: Accusatory, meddlesome, laborious in conversation. 2002 CA249 - Complete, uninhibited self-expression. Positive: Innovative, confident, inspired, pleasantly odd. Negative: Narcissistic, self-absorbed, strange for shock value. 2002 CB249 - Integrated spirituality within worldly awareness. Positive: Comprehends parts/wholes theory, uses crisis/chaos to the good. Finds upside in all things. Negative: Victim consciousness, resentful, critical. 2002 DH5 - Perfection seeking, looking for Divine Order. Positive: Accepting, tolerant and compassionate. Negative: Scrutinizing to a fault, viciously critical, intolerant, mean spirited practical jokes. 2002 FY36 - Seeking understanding of sacred and profane in balance. Positive: Unique blend of linear and abstract minds. Negative: Mentally biased and opinionated with no tractability. 2002 GO9 - Need for relational support without reservation. Positive: Renders and receives in relationship in healthy balance. Negative: Co-dependent, turns intimate relationships into parent-child scenarios. 2002 GB10 - Balance of emotional/nurturing give and take. Positive: Encouraging, nurturing, responsive. Negative: Whining, needy, clinging. Emotionally manipulates closeness, then withdraws from it. 2002 GZ32 - Seeking kinship with those of great self reliance. Positive: Confident, giving and supportive. Strong sense of bond with those of similar spirit. Negative: Sullen, withdrawn but emotionally aggressive. 2002 KY14 - Definition of absolute truth. Conviction to principle without zeal. Tolerance of all beliefs. Positive: open-minded and sharing especially in religious, philosophical matters, knows the ecstasy of knowing. Negative: zeal, fanaticism, religious intolerance, bigotry, social stupidity through biases. 2002 PN34 - Quintessential grounding. Practicality without being buried by life's demands. Positive: willing to shoulder responsibility, effective in time/work management, grounded and with lofty visions and aims. Negative: materialistic, greedy, wasteful, resentful, inefficient in use of time, prone to laziness motivated by belief "the world owes me." 2002 PQ152 - Creative weirdness at its best. Contemplative and deliberate in spiritual exercises. Positive: clear self-understanding through retreat and silence, willingness to share positive eccentricities. Negative: off the wall, contentious, arrogant and bitter. Varuna General - judgment, sense of importance of responsibility, perception of fidelity to one's own soul, strong healing ability. Positive - integrity in work, able to accomplish tasks within the framework of for the good of all, healing, self-affirmed, strong connection to core of earth, nurturing, emotionally supportive. Negative - abuses power and responsibility, alienated from life, feels more due is owed than effort demonstrated, imposes emotional agenda. Mundane - floods and droughts, impeachment, promotion, birds, clocks that emphasize day/night. Ixion General - second chances, conscious awareness of choice, modest or boastful nature, need to accurately assess and state situations and circumstances, "once fooled" belief system. Positive - learns from mistakes, non-judgmental, modest, fair, considers the opposite point of view. Negative - blows second chances, no regard for protocol, boastful, exaggerating, materialistic. Mundane - cloud watching, hurricane hunters, cloud seeding, severe penalties for blowing multiple chances, i.e., three strikes and you're out legal agenda. Chaos General - healing by removing the psychic energy of the situation instead of the physical form, parts and whole theory, need for material security. Positive - resourceful, potent healer, understands "parts and wholes," and "As Above, So Below," stirs it up in the interest in establishing improved order, psychic, protective. Negative - fractured, disassociated from life, psychically and materially bleeding of others, meddlesome, energetically imposing. Mundane - fractal theory, worth of art based upon its technique, use of mind alteration to see through illusion of matter, spiritual healing methods of extraction, dismemberment, dissolution and re-solidification. Rhadamanthus General - inflexible integrity, always asks, "what would I do in that situation?" Positive - fairness based upon a sense that no one can take anything aware from you, good humor and perspective, objective, self-assured. Negative - judgmental, competitive, intolerant, conspiring. Mundane - panel of judges, especially in matters of spiritual morality

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