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Астрологическая Консультационная Служба портала Русская Профессиональная Астрология

Subject: Re: Предсказание смерти Date : 07 Sep 2003 16:33 GMT From : Igor Miller [Igor] (miller@udm.ru) To : Eugeny Volokontsev [Jenya] (e-volution@mtu-net.ru)
Привет, Евгений! EV> Я согласен с Альбертом, что астролог безусловно EV> должен предсказывать такие вещи, как смерть, в ряду EV> всех остальных. Пока таких запросов у меня не встречалось, EV> но я слышал про бизнесменов, которые прежде, чем начать EV> большой проект, приходили с этим к астрологу. EV> Поскольку опыта нет, процитирую то, что откопал: EV> В.Запрягаев АСТРОЛОГИЯ (практическая часть) 1908 г. EV> "Хилег дает средство определить здоровье, болезнь, а также EV> счастливые и несчастливые случаи в жизни. Чтобы узнать об этом, EV> нужно Хилег направить к планетам болезней и смерти (Сатурн, Марс и Вот еще один примечательный материал, правда на английском. Линк не сохранился, поэтому запощу статью целиком. По поводу примарных дирекций. Как я слышал, в средние века их считали довольно мудреным способом, во всяком случае не просто по прямому восхождению. Чем пользовался Бонатти не знаю, вероятно примарными дирекциями in mundo или in zodiaco. По моим наблюдениям, экваториальные дирекции направляемые в противоположном движению планет в зодиаке направлении, дают очень хороший результат. Princess Diana's death: classical predictions An instance about the accuracy of ancient predictive methods di Alessandro Barone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used four traditional methods to determine the Princess's date of death, and the result was within a week of the actual event, plus describing its tragic circumstances. 1. The Hyleg and the Alchochoden The most obvious candidate to Hyleg is the Sun, of course, but it is in a feminine sign and a feminine quadrant, so it should be discarded. The Moon is not eligible either, since it is below the horizon. We must then try the "Pars Fortunae" which is in the 6th degree of Leo (I had to correct the ascendant of about 7 minutes ahead, to find a precise correspondence of the events in the Princess's life with her primary directions, but this correction does NOT affect the determination of the Hyleg, nor the Alchocoden). After deciding that the Hyleg is the Lot of Fortune, we notice immediately that Venus is in a grade which has the same rising time (i.e. the same declination) as the Hyleg. It is the situation Ptolemy describes as "equivalent signs", and explains: the length of day and night are equal there. The length of day and night are precisely equal on the ecliptic degree of the Hyleg and on that of Venus, as their difference in longitude from the solstice lies exactly in the same degree: Venus at 35°36' and the Hyleg at 35°2'. This condition overcomes all the others for the eligibility to Alchochoden. So Venus is the Alchochoden. Venus is not in a cadent house, so gives her maximum years, which are 82. These years must be diminished of 1/5 for any of the following 5 conditions which is missing: house: as already said, the Alchochoden must be in an angular or succedent house. O.K. for Venus. dignity (domicile, exaltation, triplicity, term): Venus in domicile is O.K. oriental to the Sun (meaning in the 5 signs that rise before the Sun) : O.K. direct in motion (meaning of course not retrograde): O.K. in Haiz, and Venus is not, being below the horizon. We can consequently say that she offers the native 82*4/5 = 65.6 years. But she is afflicted by a trine from Saturn, from a sign of short ascension, and this cuts down from Venus' years the minor years of Saturn, i.e. 30. 65.6 - 30 = 35.6. And this is the correct age the Alchochoden gives for the Princess's death. Though very close, it's not so accurate as one might desire, but there are two things we are not able to evaluate quantitatively at the moment: The additional time that even a negative aspect (a square, in this case) with a benefic planet (the Moon in this case) can offer: it must be measured in terms or months or days, but apparently there is no reliable tradition about how many months or days it grants. The influence of the Nodes: some say that they add or diminish, others say that they neither add nor diminish (in this case Venus is in aspect with the Nodes). So, taking into account these incertitudes, the result of the first traditional method is far from being bad. 2. Ptolemy's method Ptolemy says that when the apheta, or Hyleg, is occidental (i.e. placed between the descendant and the M.C. in the order of signs), the anaretic (killing) point will be the western horizon, that is: the man/woman will die when his/her apheta sets. But, after you have computed the setting time of the apheta, then you must correct it, adding or subtracting the horary parts of the aspects the apheta encounters during its trip towards its setting. The horary parts are, in modern terms, the meridian distance of the aspecting planets divided by its semiarc. Besides, these horary parts must be subtracted from the years of the Hyleg in full, if the aspecting planet is on the ascendant, and proportionally decreased the closer it gets to the descendant. If someone is interested in the details of computing these additions and subtractions, please let him write to me, I'll be glad to send them. In Princess Diana's case we have: Hyleg setting time +42d25m Corrections opp Saturn -15d43m sext Mars -06d58m sext Venus +01d26m conj Mercury +01d33m conj Sun +02d22m trine Moon +11d27m Total 36d32m The time of death should then be 36,53 years, according to Ptolemy. Also in this case the result is perfectly consistent with the date of the event: if I had rectified the ascendant of no more than a couple of minutes, it would have given the exact date. 3. Primaries of other significators of life: the Sun: The Sun, though not the Hyleg of the chart, is always a significator of life. What is immediately noticeable in the Princess' chart as a significator of death is the quadruple conjunction on the 8th cusp (Mars, Pluto, Uranus, N Node). Ptolemy, knowing nothing about Uranus and Pluto, would have calculated a primary direction of the Sun to the middle point of Mars and the Node, in order to find the anaretic event, and this is what I did. The direction falls at 36.5 years, within the generally accepted orb of primaries, and describes with great evidence the circumstances of the death. 4. Also the ascendant, even when it is not Hyleg, is a general significator of life. Its conjunction with Saturn, the natural significator of death, occurs at 36.5 years. In conclusion: four traditional methods gave a very consistent time for what happened, and could probably have given even a better one if I had rectified the ascendant with greater care. I was surprised by the accuracy of these results of Greek and Arab astrology, and a bit frightened, as well, to be sincere: thought it was just by chance that I hit the nail on the head, but other charts confirmed the validity of the method.

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