Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: Predictive Astrologer Newsletter Информация Replies: 25752 Date : 31 Oct 2004 02:04 GMT From : Inga Firsova [firs] To : All
Для тех, кто не получает рассылку Predictive Astrologer Newsletter (подписка здесь: http://www.new-library.com/zoller/list), воспроизвожу ключевой фрагмент из раздела PREDICTION: It is predicted that John Kerry will win the US presidency in November 2004. John Edwards will be Vice-President. John Kerry will not finish his term of office and John Edwards will succeed to the presidency. И наконец, самая главная новость уходящего октября: поступила в продажу третья книга знаменитых Tools&Techniques Р.Золлера: Finally, the last of the trilogy of the Tools and Techniques series has been published. This is Tools and Techniques Book III, which deals with horary and electional astrology and the use of planetary hours. There is also a very good section on the astrology that affects groups and helps explain why people who are in a group may find their chart sublimated to the destiny of the group as a whole. This has some bearing on the prediction above and it is well worth reading. http://www.new-library.com/zoller/catalogue

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