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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: JigSaw и Украина. Date : 03 Dec 2004 01:11 GMT From : Irina Vichajte [Avilana] (avilana@mail.ru) To : All
Доброй ночи! Долго думала, публиковать это или нет, но всё же решила опубликовать. Это то, что в общем-то в независимом от (моей идеологии) считала программа. Моя задача состояла в том, чтобы :))) дать программе задачу. Как эта задача строилась - объяснять долго, да и ... (надеюсь на понимание):)) Программе был задан вопрос - что из себя представляют сегодняшние украинские политики, как группа, как семья, кто и в чем лидирует, какова роль каждого.. Были введены данные космограмм 58 политиков Украины и две мунданные каты (августовская карта Украины и карта присяги Ющенко). Использование космограмм отбирает у "фильтра" только три личные позиции натальных карт - Луну, МС и АСЦ. Но даже без этих точек картина получается весьма правдоподобная. На мой, конечно, взгляд... Могу сказать только огромное спасибо создателям JigSaw. Вот что получилось (увы, на английском): ======== Sign Emphasis Sign Scores for all midpoints: Sagittarius 776; Scorpio 691; Libra 608; Capricorn 540; Virgo 490; Aquarius 466; Leo 314; Taurus 312; Cancer 306; Pisces 294; Gemini 242; Aries 239 Strongest Sign Sagittarius: Sagittarius is the sign that is emphasised by the zodiac position of the combined natal planets, points, and midpoints of all the people in this family. MOTTO: "Fac et spera" - "Do and hope." The Matheson family Heraldic motto. The myth-walking Sagittarian family are gifted storytellers and teachers, born with fire in their hearts and a suitcase in their hand. The family fosters a fiery passion for people, subjects, places and events and, as a result the family members are easily enthused by any subject. This love of learning, this love of the new, enables the Sagittarian family members to throw their whole selves into projects, and into motivating others. They enthuse friends and workmates, inspire great crowds, and invigorate parties. With such ebullience, they prefer to live in the big picture and see the grand overview. They become frustrated with practical details, since both the wood and the trees obscure the vast horizons. Yet behind such contagious ardour, a hidden and unconscious pain privately swings them into the depths of depression. For the Sagittarian family carries a wound, either physically or emotionally, which haunts them. For the family is linked to the myth of Chiron, the immortal centaur. A passionate teacher, and a philosopher with a love of wide horizons, he was accidentally mortally wounded in the thigh, but being a god, he could not die. He therefore retreated to his cave and prepared to live an eternity of pain and sorrow. In this state he became deeply depressed. Many years passed and Chiron was almost forgotten, living in the back of his cave, never socialising, never coming out into the light of day. His salvation however, appeared in the form of a Titan, Prometheus. This is the Titan who had stolen fire from the gods to give to humanity, and for this act Zeus condemned him to a life of torture. Prometheus, however, did not passively accept his pain and from his place of torture shouted unending threats at Zeus and Olympus in general. The gods, tiring of this, beseeched Zeus to do something about it, and Zeus relented, saying that if any immortal was willing to give up his immortality to Prometheus, then he would end the Titan's torture. In this way the forgotten Chiron was saved, for Chiron willingly offered his immortality, so that he may die and be released from his agony. So Chiron becomes the Wounded Healer, the one who heals others on the path of their own healing. In this myth Chiron is wounded in his thigh, or the horse part of his body, not the human part; so the wound is buried in the non-logical, emotional world of the Sagittarian family. Out of consciousness, and probably connected to issues of abandonment in infancy, or a general lack of loving support, the wound gnaws at the life force of the family. Indeed, some members may actually carry a wound in one of their legs. The presence of this wound propels the whole family, or individual members, into times of depression. This depression will express itself as stuck states - inability to get their lives moving, inability to clean the house, inability to look after themselves, inability to instigate action. One member of the family may be a manic-depressive, seemingly carrying the wound alone, or the whole family can get into a jammed condition. They will continually swing from highs to lows - until they encounter another individual or situation that is also wounded, but is conscious of their wound, and loudly protesting in some way. This "marriage", in which members of the family give of themselves to this cause or this person, is the salvation for the family. Through this action their lives begin to bloom into fulfilment. THE CHARACTERS THAT WILL BE PRESENT IN THE FAMILY: CHIRON: The family member who is the gifted storyteller and teacher, but for some reason cannot go forward in life. They will seem to be stuck, and will suffer from bouts of depression or melancholy, which saps and undermines them. This talented family representative - who just cannot get that lucky break, or seems to sabotage themselves every time they are about to succeed - can be one person or the whole family. ZEUS: This is a life event, or person, that has no direct connection to the family, but due to the influence of this event or person, the family is placed on a collision course with the Prometheus character. PROMETHEUS: This character is outside of the family, although they may become an in-law. They will be wounded, or unjustly treated by society, and at the same time may be very talented or gifted, and driven by some humanitarian ideal. They have been successful, but they are now paying the price, and in some way society is rejecting or ignoring them. However, they are still "doing" their thing. They are still shouting out to the world who they are and what they can do. They will never give up, they are never stuck. THE JOURNEY: The family will appear to be successful and worldly. Enthusiastically embracing life and throwing parties, and/or promoting education, travel and learning for all of its members. However, within its ranks there may be a talented member who is stuck and depressed, or sabotages themselves or the rest of the family. In addition, the family can be like a group of travellers, never really focusing on one particular thing and never really putting down roots; always on the surface of a subject and never its master. The members of the family will suffer from "dark nights of the soul". This can manifest in various ways, from one or more members suffering from some emotional illness like manic-depression, to others just bothered by emotional mood-swings, all of which sap the family's energy and reduce their ability to achieve. Somewhere, along the generations of the family, they will individually or collectively meet the Prometheus character. They may choose to reject this character (or event), and ignore it. However, if they embrace this person (or this cause), than by healing and helping this character, they themselves will discover their own wound of loneliness and isolation. Families that strongly support a charity or in some way bring attention to and promote the cause of a wounded part of the community, are examples of a Sagittarian family healing itself. By helping and healing the Prometheus character, the Sagittarian family is pulled out of their own depression and gain a sense of belonging and wholeness. They become the Wounded Healer. House Emphasis House Scores for all midpoints: 10th 398; 9th 385; 11th 369; 8th 353; 6th 340; 2nd 320; 1st 316; 7th 315; 12th 308; 3rd 245; 4th 241; 5th 238 Strongest House 10th House: The House brought to prominence by the diurnal position of all the combined planets and midpoints in this Family is the 10th House. A tenth house family is an ambitious one. Acutely aware of its social status, and striving at every opportunity to improve that status, the family can become a dynasty as it moves towards a chosen goal. This family may be placing all of its collective effort into promoting one member to a position of higher status and success, the kind of success that reflects well on the whole family. Alternatively, if the family is more evenly balanced, it may install in all of the members a pride in achievement, and an ambition to achieve for the family's glory. The shadow for this family is an obsession with achievement, being so concerned with reaching the top of the mountain that the weaker, or more creative, artistic, or spiritual individuals could be sacrificed on this ambitious altar. Probably ruled throughout childhood with an iron hand, sooner or later some members will rebel against the strong dominant figure in the family. If this is your family, recognise that ambition is its daily bread and, as long as all the members value each other's ambitions, and they are all seen as equal, then all of the members can benefit. The artist or writer in this family must be held equal in value to the politician or the corporate business person. If this equality can be achieved, then this is a family that can produce successful and fulfilled individuals. If, however, conventional status and rank is more important to the family than the actual members themselves, then this family can swallow and suffocate its children. Each Person's Role in the Group Each person in the group, via their birth-chart will contribute a planet or point. Or, we can think of it as each group will form a connection to the individuals within the group via a particular planet or point in each person's birth-chart. By being aware of what the group is asking from, and possibly also provoking in the individual, then that person's role in the group can be more completely understood. Thus the group asks the person to show a particular side of their personality; a particular part of their chart, if this is comfortable for that person, then all is well, but if it is not, then the result will be stress and tension - for that person and for the group. Role Pattern 1 Number of Charts: 49; Number of Hits: 98 Pattern Harmonic: 7th; Vacant Points: 0 The seventh harmonic is one of passion and obsession and, as Michael Harding says in the book Working with Astrology (Arkana 1990, page 225), the seventh harmonic "has the potential to both inspire and ensnare". A group combined by this pattern will have an emotional intensity, a slight touch of neurosis, or will hover on the edge of obsession, and from this precarious position they will gain inspiration. If this is a family, the members of this group will be interwoven in a web full of power-plays, and held together by a psychic and spiritual links, and they will both love and hate each other in the same breath. In any other type of group, if they can hang in there long enough together as a team, they can experience a virtually divine inspiration, but the day to day business of the group may prove to be difficult. Passionate and highly creative, but never emotionally stable. Pluto is contributed by: 13. Julia Timoshenko at 08°Vi05' (Orb 1°24') 14. Pinchuk Viktor at 08°Vi07' (Orb 1°21') 57. Prisiaga Ju at 22°Sg19' (Orb 0°00') The Pluto-person who holds a great deal of power in the family either overtly or covertly. For this power is in the authority that they hold or their ability to draw the group's focus and be the centre of attention. If they are an empowered person they willingly handle the crises, be prepared to break down structures which may be restricting the family, physically, emotional or spiritually, and at the same time be fiercely loyal to the family. If, however, they are the one which is standing in a shadows, the one who brings tragedy and crisis to the family, then what they contribute to the family is a continuing palate of traumatic change. Therefore, it is important that the family encourage the Pluto-person to be empowered and be allowed to hold a vision of the big picture, and be attended to when they talk of sweeping changes that could be needed. For if this person feels they have a voice, then there will be no need for them to seek attention via crisis, and the family will gain the insight of a visionary person. Jupiter is contributed by: 10. Medvedchuk at 16°Cn44' (Orb 1°19') 7. Vitrenko at 05°Ar35' (Orb 0°23') Jupiter is the traveller as well as the monk, the philosopher and teacher, the sports-person as well as the party-goer and joker. The Jupiter-person brings these gifts to the family and uses them to expand the family's world. In addition they may be strongly influenced by their grand-father, and may even bear his name and in that sense the person can also carries the history of the family, its myths, its tribal and ethic origins. But this Jupiter-person can also carry this history as a wound or a mark, or some feature emotionally or physically which is a burden that they carry, and in this situation they are carrying the wound for the family. With this person subject to emotional highs and lows the family needs to recognise that this member's problems need to been embraced by all members and then the Jupiter-person can bring bounty and joy to the rest of the family. Midheaven is contributed by: 12. Tyagipko at 12°Aq31' (Orb 1°14') 19. Derkach Andrey at 21°Sg07' (Orb 1°12') 7. Vitrenko at 22°Sg13' (Orb 0°06') 58. Viktor Yushenko at 27°Ta10' (Orb 0°32') The MC-person of the family will tend to be seen as a separate individual, the one that breaks away from the family and strives for their own lifestyle. If the family tries to hang onto this member then they may estrange themselves, however if the family is embracing of this member and their attitude then they gain a independent role model who will still be emotionally involved in the family. The MC-person will been seen by the family to put a great deal of energy into their own success and career and because of that they may eventually be the most famous or most successful family member the one that brings to the household the greatest pride. The key issue with the MC-person is their independence and different lifestyle to the rest of the family which the family can reject or accept but in rejecting they will lose that family member. Neptune is contributed by: 1. Zviagilsky Efim at 09°Vi01' (Orb 0°27') 57. Prisiaga Ju at 13°Aq30' (Orb 0°15') The Neptune-person moves at the centre of the web of the family. Emphatic to other members ups and downs, acting like litmus paper, and flowing with the emotional energy within the household. They will also have some connection with a grand-mother, carrying her name or being like her in some way. But all of this can be a heavy load and for this reason they may be the one who is ill, or the one who is a victim in someway as they unconsciously define themselves as this collector and expresser of the families stress and worries. But Neptune has another side, that of the spiritual, and or artistic and since it is the family that provokes this person's Neptune then the family can also stimulate the more creative expression of this planet. By allow the Neptune-person a role in the family of the omen-reader, the one who dreams the family's dreams, the one with a foot in the "other" world as well as encouraging the Neptune-person into music, and art then the whole family can gain from having such a creative, intuitive member within its ranks. North Node is contributed by: 8. Lazorenko Pavel at 12°Aq53' (Orb 0°53') 14. Pinchuk Viktor at 10°Vi16' (Orb 0°47') The Node-person is a living container of the essence of the family. They are a chalice, a cup or even a grail. Thus they may be the "heir", the only child or the one who inherits the material, or spiritual wealth of the family, or the one who has inherited the "special" talent, the important or family-defining genes. The family may not be totally aware of the role that this members plays, but through them, through their life they carry the flame of the family and therefore they are the future of the family and almost the reason for the families existence. In family trees this could well be the member that is the ancestor of a future famous person or the famous or notable person themselves or, on the more shadowy side, this may be the person who is the living vessel for the karma of the family, wounded or weighted down in some way. Mercury is contributed by: 32. Prisiaga Ju at 23°Sg32' (Orb 1°11') The Mercury-person may be the brightest, or the slowest, the thief or the guardian of the truth. They are the one who introduces new information to the family which they may do by talking, reading, adding comments or, they force the rest of the family to explore new options because of their lack of communicating skills like hearing, seeing, or learning difficulties. The Mercury-person will be coming and going, with a busy schedule and so at times this may seem to be a little tiresome, or sometimes even a little scattered, however, they can offer a dexterity in thinking and manual skill that will benefit the whole family. This family member pushes the family to improve their thinking and knowledge and or their communication skills in some way. The Moon is contributed by: 4. Moroz A A at 26°Ta08' (Orb 0°29') 20. Ukraine - Natal at 05°Ar17' (Orb 0°05') 17. Ahmetov Rinat at 14°Aq40' (Orb 0°54') The Moon-person is the soul of the family and what they offer or receive, regardless of who they are, is the mothering, caring and the nurturing within the family. The Moon-person may therefore be the "mother" the one who prepares the food and stands at the hearth of the family or they may be the one who needs to be "mothered" drawing the nurturing attention to themselves, openly or manipulatively. This person needs to have emotional energy and nurture around them so they need to learn how to give this as well as receive it then the whole family benefits. So even if it's a small child in a family allow them the right to nurture others or the family pets. By allowing, and encouraging, the Moon-person to fulfil this role, there will be an increase in the whole family's feeling of being emotionally and physically supported. The Sun is contributed by: 14. Pinchuk Viktor at 22°Sg23' (Orb 0°02') The person who offers the Sun to the family may not be the oldest or the wisest, or even the head of the household, but in contributing their Sun they, in some way, carry the spirit of the family. This member carries the energy of life, the promise of a future, the potential for the family to live on in ideas or through children. They will therefore, over the course of their life, become the head or spiritual leader of the family. In return this family member, when young, will feel protected and loved by the family, even adored - the spoilt youngster - and when older will gain a sense of identity from the family, a sense of personal wholeness. Venus is contributed by: 32. Prisiaga Ju at 01°Sc21' (Orb 0°26') The Venus-person in the family is very concerned with the relationships between the members; for these can be are valued above all else and for that reason they will discourage conflict, and disagreement preferring to comprise or allow a more aggressive member get their way. The difficulty is that the denying of conflict for the sake of calmness may in turn lead to explosive situations, for it is better to have small pressure releases in a family then major eruptions. The other side of coin is that the Venus-person may be the member who is out of step with the rest of the family, emphasising the need for Venus by displaying a lack of these skills. This person may also be the artist, or the artisan adding to the family's awareness of art, colour, music, theatre and also gentle living. Or the Venus-person may also give the family a taste of luxury or sensuality and be the member that earns the money. Whatever the expression the Venus-person can bring calmness to troubled situations, and will make the best mediator within the family or, as a result of their actions, they teach the family the need to have a way of calming troubled waters. Ascendant is contributed by: 15. Tabachnik Dmitry at 13°Aq59' (Orb 0°13') 11. Jaroslavskiy Alexandr at 15°Aq10' (Orb 1°24') The person who is an Ascendant-person in the family is very aware of the public image of the whole family. They can be overly concerned with how the world judges or see the members of the family therefore, they will put effort into the home, the family's image and how other family members are seen, while at the same time they will be reaching out to enable the family to socialise and mix with other groups. For this person brings the family into contact with many different people, and in doing so it is important to them that the family is considered in a good light. This family member see the family as part of a larger community and wants to have pride in the position that they hold, as a family, in that community. Mars is contributed by: 13. Julia Timoshenko at 18°Cn21' (Orb 0°18') 15. Tabachnik Dmitry at 23°Sg16' (Orb 0°56') The Mars-person can carry a heavy load for they can add motivation, focus and enthusiasm. However, this person may also be incorrectly seen by the rest of the family as the trouble maker, the person who causes arguments or brings disharmony, because they think that it is important to bring problems up to the surface, even if this means an argument or tension in the family. However, if the family can be flexible enough to appreciate that although the Mars-person may disagree and bring unpleasant subjects to the surface, the gift they bring is one of focused goals and most importantly the ability to motivate the rest of the family towards those goals. Recognise that it is the family who is stimulates this person's Mars; it is the family that unconsciously asks this person, to motivate them or provoke them. Saturn is contributed by: 5. Surkis at 09°Vi49' (Orb 0°19') The Saturn-person can be the central standing stone to the family, or in contrast,they can be the member who is without power and the ability and therefore require that others members of the family take on responsibility for them. But Saturn is about manifestation, getting things done, being practical and in this way the Saturn-person can be the one that makes the plans, lays down the rules - by joint agreement or not - and keeps everyone on schedule. They may therefore feel that they are the one who carries the responsibility for the family's well being, and this belief may weight them down pushing them into a dictatorial attitude. Thus the family should respect this member's commitment to them, and make sure that the Saturn-person does not get left to "do everything" if this can happen then the family will benefit from the strength and commitment that this member is willing to give. Uranus is contributed by: 15. Tabachnik Dmitry at 09°Vi53' (Orb 0°23') 9. Jushenko at 19°Cn27' (Orb 1°23') Uranus is the great instigating force, and any person who contributes their Uranus to the family adds or represents the creation energy, be that genetically or intellectually. This figure fulfils a sky-god role in that they are not concerned with the daily events, preferring to try to remain detached from the emotional needs of the other members. Yet they are concerned with the very existence of the group. They are the "father",they give "life" and in that role they try to move the family forward to some personal concept of perfection, which will be measured by a lofty intellectual or material standard. This person may be considered unreachable or unapproachable by the rest of the family but this member is trying to propel the family along a patriarchal road which is one of worldly success and intellect and may be blind to the fact that families are also about emotions, and bonds and that those bonds are very precious, irreplaceable and rare, even if they are not perfect. If the Uranus-person can recognise this, with the help of the other members, then their contribution can be most effect, giving worldly success to a emotional connected family. There are 9 group members who fit into this pattern only with other points or wider orbs. These people do not fit into the main pattern. This means that they are either slightly to the side of the group - just one step outside of the group, or they are very much inside the group, as a unique individual whose contribution to the group, which is likely to be significant, will be described by the planet, point or midpoint that they contribute. 2. Kuchma contributes Mercury at 11°Vi09' (Orb 1°40') The Mercury-person may be the brightest, or the slowest, the thief or the guardian of the truth. They are the one who introduces new information to the family which they may do by talking, reading, adding comments or, they force the rest of the family to explore new options because of their lack of communicating skills like hearing, seeing, or learning difficulties. The Mercury-person will be coming and going, with a busy schedule and so at times this may seem to be a little tiresome, or sometimes even a little scattered, however, they can offer a dexterity in thinking and manual skill that will benefit the whole family. This family member pushes the family to improve their thinking and knowledge and or their communication skills in some way. 3. Marchuk contributes Uranus at 22°Ta09' (Orb 4°28') Uranus is the great instigating force, and any person who contributes their Uranus to the family adds or represents the creation energy, be that genetically or intellectually. This figure fulfils a sky-god role in that they are not concerned with the daily events, preferring to try to remain detached from the emotional needs of the other members. Yet they are concerned with the very existence of the group. They are the "father",they give "life" and in that role they try to move the family forward to some personal concept of perfection, which will be measured by a lofty intellectual or material standard. This person may be considered unreachable or unapproachable by the rest of the family but this member is trying to propel the family along a patriarchal road which is one of worldly success and intellect and may be blind to the fact that families are also about emotions, and bonds and that those bonds are very precious, irreplaceable and rare, even if they are not perfect. If the Uranus-person can recognise this, with the help of the other members, then their contribution can be most effect, giving worldly success to a emotional connected family. 6. Janukovih contributes The Sun at 16°Cn34' (Orb 1°28') The person who offers the Sun to the family may not be the oldest or the wisest, or even the head of the household, but in contributing their Sun they, in some way, carry the spirit of the family. This member carries the energy of life, the promise of a future, the potential for the family to live on in ideas or through children. They will therefore, over the course of their life, become the head or spiritual leader of the family. In return this family member, when young, will feel protected and loved by the family, even adored - the spoilt youngster - and when older will gain a sense of identity from the family, a sense of personal wholeness. 16. Poroshenko Petr contributes Uranus at 16°Vi22' (Orb 6°52') Uranus is the great instigating force, and any person who contributes their Uranus to the family adds or represents the creation energy, be that genetically or intellectually. This figure fulfils a sky-god role in that they are not concerned with the daily events, preferring to try to remain detached from the emotional needs of the other members. Yet they are concerned with the very existence of the group. They are the "father",they give "life" and in that role they try to move the family forward to some personal concept of perfection, which will be measured by a lofty intellectual or material standard. This person may be considered unreachable or unapproachable by the rest of the family but this member is trying to propel the family along a patriarchal road which is one of worldly success and intellect and may be blind to the fact that families are also about emotions, and bonds and that those bonds are very precious, irreplaceable and rare, even if they are not perfect. If the Uranus-person can recognise this, with the help of the other members, then their contribution can be most effect, giving worldly success to a emotional connected family. 18. Nestor Shufrich contributes Midheaven at 25°Sg34' (Orb 3°14') The MC-person of the family will tend to be seen as a separate individual, the one that breaks away from the family and strives for their own lifestyle. If the family tries to hang onto this member then they may estrange themselves, however if the family is embracing of this member and their attitude then they gain a independent role model who will still be emotionally involved in the family. The MC-person will been seen by the family to put a great deal of energy into their own success and career and because of that they may eventually be the most famous or most successful family member the one that brings to the household the greatest pride. The key issue with the MC-person is their independence and different lifestyle to the rest of the family which the family can reject or accept but in rejecting they will lose that family member. 21. Ukraine - Natal contributes Ascendant at 15°Aq52' (Orb 2°06') The person who is an Ascendant-person in the family is very aware of the public image of the whole family. They can be overly concerned with how the world judges or see the members of the family therefore, they will put effort into the home, the family's image and how other family members are seen, while at the same time they will be reaching out to enable the family to socialise and mix with other groups. For this person brings the family into contact with many different people, and in doing so it is important to them that the family is considered in a good light. This family member see the family as part of a larger community and wants to have pride in the position that they hold, as a family, in that community. 22. Get'man contributes Mars at 09°Aq54' (Orb 3°52') The Mars-person can carry a heavy load for they can add motivation, focus and enthusiasm. However, this person may also be incorrectly seen by the rest of the family as the trouble maker, the person who causes arguments or brings disharmony, because they think that it is important to bring problems up to the surface, even if this means an argument or tension in the family. However, if the family can be flexible enough to appreciate that although the Mars-person may disagree and bring unpleasant subjects to the surface, the gift they bring is one of focused goals and most importantly the ability to motivate the rest of the family towards those goals. Recognise that it is the family who is stimulates this person's Mars; it is the family that unconsciously asks this person, to motivate them or provoke them. 23. Ukraine contributes The Moon at 20°Aq39' (Orb 6°53') The Moon-person is the soul of the family and what they offer or receive, regardless of who they are, is the mothering, caring and the nurturing within the family. The Moon-person may therefore be the "mother" the one who prepares the food and stands at the hearth of the family or they may be the one who needs to be "mothered" drawing the nurturing attention to themselves, openly or manipulatively. This person needs to have emotional energy and nurture around them so they need to learn how to give this as well as receive it then the whole family benefits. So even if it's a small child in a family allow them the right to nurture others or the family pets. By allowing, and encouraging, the Moon-person to fulfil this role, there will be an increase in the whole family's feeling of being emotionally and physically supported. 24. Ukraine contributes The Moon at 20°Aq39' (Orb 6°53') The Moon-person is the soul of the family and what they offer or receive, regardless of who they are, is the mothering, caring and the nurturing within the family. The Moon-person may therefore be the "mother" the one who prepares the food and stands at the hearth of the family or they may be the one who needs to be "mothered" drawing the nurturing attention to themselves, openly or manipulatively. This person needs to have emotional energy and nurture around them so they need to learn how to give this as well as receive it then the whole family benefits. So even if it's a small child in a family allow them the right to nurture others or the family pets. By allowing, and encouraging, the Moon-person to fulfil this role, there will be an increase in the whole family's feeling of being emotionally and physically supported. How Your Group Works The Midpoint search shows what energy the group is working with. This is the theme of the group, what is created when these people come together. Success, laughter, tears, intellect, possessiveness - what will come out of the mixture of these people? And does this help the group's conscious purpose, or is it contradictory to the collective intention? In other words, the question that is answered by the midpoint pattern is: will the group be successful or fail? The ideal is compatibility between the midpoint pattern and the group's desires. Group Pattern 1 Number of Charts: 43; Number of Hits: 43 Pattern Harmonic: 5th; Vacant Points: 0 The web of this group is the 5th harmonic, which is the union of ideas with the world of form. Thus any group combined with this harmonic is creative, not necessarily only in the Arts, but also in their ability to bring ideas into manifested form. If this is a family, then there is time for this family to perfect skills and nurture creativity; therefore, we would expect the members of this family who are part of this pattern to show some form of "artistry" in their approach to life. In any other group this harmonic can indicate that there is some special skill which brings the group together, some skill which they can use as is, or that they come together to perfect. Pattern Point Combination: Mars and Uranus This is a very erratic midpoint pattern, giving the family an extraordinary amount of energy, which will appear to ebb and flow in a random manner. It is likely to be a volatile family, easy to enthuse and quick to act; but the action will have no or little planning and structure. There is a high probability of accidents, both minor and major, involving individuals and/or the physical household. The family is also vulnerable to acts of violence, either internally, from members losing control in states of rage, or from gratuitous external invasion, such as the house being a target for vandals. If this is your family, recognise that your greatest gift, as a family or as individuals of this family, is the ability to direct an extraordinary amount of energy into a chosen project, enabling you to complete the project rapidly. Your weak point, however, is thinking and planning. Although this midpoint pattern wants to live for the day, live for the moment, it would be wise to try to direct some of the family's consciousness into planning for the future, and learning how to conserve, and then distribute, their resources in a more practical manner. As this family grows older, it will tend to scatter across the globe, for each member has a strong hunger for freedom and excitement. Uranus is contributed by: 34. Prisiaga Ju at 02°Pi57' (Orb 1°50') 2. Kuchma at 17°Ta43' (Orb 0°56') 58. Viktor Yshenko at 06°Pi36' (Orb 1°48') The Mars/Uranus Midpoint is contributed by: 3. Marchuk at 04°Pi02' (Orb 0°44') 10. Medvedchuk at 10°Li24' (Orb 0°23') 8. Lazorenko Pavel at 16°Ta55' (Orb 0°08') 11. Jaroslavskiy Alexandr at 11°Li05' (Orb 0°18') Mars is contributed by: 5. Surkis at 28°Cn12' (Orb 0°34') 15. Tabachnik Dmitry at 23°Sg16' (Orb 0°29') 6. Janukovih at 12°Li04' (Orb 1°17') 18. Nestor Shufrich at 12°Li46' (Orb 1°59') There are 15 group members who fit into this pattern only with other points or wider orbs. These people do not fit into the main pattern. This means that they are either slightly to the side of the group - just one step outside of the group, or they are very much inside the group, as a unique individual whose contribution to the group, which is likely to be significant, will be described by the planet, point or midpoint that they contribute. 1. Zviagilsky Efim contributes Ascendant/Mars Midpoint at 03°Le07' (Orb 4°19') This person contributes a fighting spirit, the desire to win, or raw enthusiasm for the project. If the group cannot use this energy, then it will manifest in arguments, disputes and conflicts. This person needs a job to do, and needs to be allowed to enthuse with the group about its activities. 4. Moroz A A contributes Ascendant/Uranus Midpoint at 00°Le50' (Orb 2°02') This person adds unique flavour to the group. They may be easily upset, and prone to over reaction, but what they bring into the group is change and variety, linked with a unique way of thinking. For their philosophy, lifestyle, and even their politics, will be different from those of the rest of the group, and because of this, they act as a catalyst for change in the group. They are the rebel, and they can inspire all of the other members to look at the world from a different perspective. 7. Vitrenko contributes Sun/Uranus Midpoint at 09°Li00' (Orb 1°46') This person contributes a touch of chaos and individual spirit to the group. They may be seen as different in some way, or through them the group may experience sudden turns of events. 9. Jushenko contributes Mercury/Uranus Midpoint at 17°Ta24' (Orb 0°36') Inspirational and intuitive, this member may be considered by the group to be too erratic in their ideas. All the same, what they add to the group is different ways of doing and thinking, and unusual insights. They may do this through familiarity and expertise in technology, or they may just be a skilful lateral thinker. 12. Tyagipko contributes Sun/Uranus Midpoint at 21°Ta14' (Orb 4°27') This person contributes a touch of chaos and individual spirit to the group. They may be seen as different in some way, or through them the group may experience sudden turns of events. 13. Julia Timoshenko contributes Jupiter/Mars Midpoint at 12°Li17' (Orb 1°30') This person contributes optimism and the ability to make decisions. They will have a love of the project, will be enthusiastic, and will motivate all the other members. At times this person may be a little too hasty for the rest of the group, but what they are contributing is positive support, and either an expansive vision towards the project or an expansive generosity towards all the other members of the group. 14. Pinchuk Viktor contributes Jupiter/Mars Midpoint at 12°Li23' (Orb 1°36') This person contributes optimism and the ability to make decisions. They will have a love of the project, will be enthusiastic, and will motivate all the other members. At times this person may be a little too hasty for the rest of the group, but what they are contributing is positive support, and either an expansive vision towards the project or an expansive generosity towards all the other members of the group. 16. Poroshenko Petr contributes North Node/Uranus Midpoint at 27°Cn04' (Orb 1°43') This is the individual who links the group to other people. They have a genuine desire to bring new lifestyles and new ideas into the group, and will be constantly looking for changes, or different ways of doing things. Others may see this person as somewhat flighty and gullible, for they seem to form friendships very easily, for better or for worse. All the same, this person, through their activities, will bring in new ideas, new people and new experiences - whether the group likes it or not. 17. Ahmetov Rinat contributes Ascendant/Mars Midpoint at 07°Li47' (Orb 2°59') This person contributes a fighting spirit, the desire to win, or raw enthusiasm for the project. If the group cannot use this energy, then it will manifest in arguments, disputes and conflicts. This person needs a job to do, and needs to be allowed to enthuse with the group about its activities. 19. Derkach Andrey contributes Venus/Mars Midpoint at 14°Li03' (Orb 3°15') This person adds to the group's vitality and liveliness. They may be seen as very sexual, or perhaps they are pregnant, or maybe they are just passionate about a particular subject. But their role is to keep the group aware of passion, sex, love and the pulse of life itself. 20. Ukraine - Natal contributes Midheaven/Mars Midpoint at 10°Li11' (Orb 0°35') This person is a leader, and they more than likely feel that they should be the leader of the group. They will have certain skills, and expertise in certain areas, which they can contribute to the group, but in return they will want the group to acknowledge their superiority or their position in society. If this is what the group wants, then this is a happy union. 21. Ukraine - Natal contributes Pluto/Uranus Midpoint at 12°Li33' (Orb 1°45') This person brings rapid change to the group. They will advocate that whatever is standing in the way of the resolution of a problem, or whatever systems or authority are hindering the group, should simply be removed. They stand for freedom, and believe in reform by rooting out that which does not work. The rest of the group may consider them to be headstrong, but they contribute passion and radical ideas - and occasionally an inspirational solution to a long-term problem. 22. Get'man contributes Jupiter/Uranus Midpoint at 05°Pi27' (Orb 0°39') This person adds inspiration, and sometimes even luck. They have a wealth of ideas, and the ability to quickly grasp the essence of situations. If this is a conservative group, this person may be accused of risk taking, or recklessness. Nevertheless, if the group can meet this person halfway, and this Jupiter-Uranus person can likewise meet the group halfway, then the group will benefit from some very good ideas - and also, from time to time, some lucky breaks. 23. Ukraine contributes Ascendant/Uranus Midpoint at 21°Sg08' (Orb 1°39') This person adds unique flavour to the group. They may be easily upset, and prone to over reaction, but what they bring into the group is change and variety, linked with a unique way of thinking. For their philosophy, lifestyle, and even their politics, will be different from those of the rest of the group, and because of this, they act as a catalyst for change in the group. They are the rebel, and they can inspire all of the other members to look at the world from a different perspective. 24. Ukraine contributes Ascendant/Uranus Midpoint at 20°Sg54' (Orb 1°52') This person adds unique flavour to the group. They may be easily upset, and prone to over reaction, but what they bring into the group is change and variety, linked with a unique way of thinking. For their philosophy, lifestyle, and even their politics, will be different from those of the rest of the group, and because of this, they act as a catalyst for change in the group. They are the rebel, and they can inspire all of the other members to look at the world from a different perspective. ========== С уважением, Ирина Вичайте

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