Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"

Subject: Re: 5 dom
Date : 18 Jun 1999 03:49 GMT
From : Irina Makarova [zhan] (Irena_M@usa.net)
To : lora [lora dimitrova] (svetlanapeneva@hotmail.com)
Dear Lora!
I'm not sure I understand your question. Could you please provide more details
(in English) on what exactly would you like to know about the fifth house...
The 5th house shows your desire to express yourself in some particular way.
It provides the ingredients you need for creative expression that is a
visible extension of yourself. This can occur through loving someone, giving
birth to a child, painting, writing, acting in a play or being completely
engaged in sports. However, this department refers only to your raw talent
and potential for creative self-expression. By itself, it allows you to
indulge in pleasurable activity and, in a sense, to remain a child at heart.
Through the affairs of this house you endeavor to become all that you
potentially are and to be appreciated for your talents or gifts.
The preceding houses become incorporated in the circumstances of the fifth;
your ambition to excel, which comes from the first, requires the resources
of the second, the reasoning faculty of the third, the sensitivity of the
fourth and the creative inspiration of the fifth to produce results. By
using the fifth house properly, you can have much happiness and perhaps
distinguish yourself in the world by exploiting your creative potential to
the fullest in your career. A negative attitude toward the potentials of the
fifth house can seriously distract you from accomplishing your objectives,
if you're so fascinated with temporary pleasures that you neglect to develop
your creativity. Future goals and objectives are intimately linked to the
fifth house, and unless you develop your potential into usable skills, you
may never gain the reward that can result from them in the eleventh house,
which opposes the fifth.
Cheers, Irina.