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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: Длительность жизни (2) Date : 12 Oct 1998 19:58 GMT From : Vladimir Sazonov [vladimir] (vladimir@berlin.snafu.de) To : Vladimir Sazonov [vladimir] (vladimir@berlin.snafu.de)
Привожу продолжение письма Петера Новака с конкретными примерами Прошу прощения за очень длинный текст и не по-русски. 2................................................................ Figuring out the Unique Progression Rate of a Natal Chart The process of figuring out the "unique progression rate" is time consuming, and somewhat subject to self-deception. At one time early on during this process, I was partially convinced that I had discovered a rate that coordinated with the history of my life. Most of the points seemed to fit, kinda, but a number of the biggest milestones in my life were not reflected in that "unique progression rate", so in the end I discarded that "rate" and renewed my search for a "correct" one, still willing to suppose that such a rate indeed would be found. It took me about a week of study (a week of studying in what spare time I had) to arrive at a rate that fit. And boy did it ever. Perfectly. Every nuance. Immediately intuitive. Every milestone was there. The key is, as Houck wrote (I haven't read the original articles, only the brief review of them that Houck included in his book), using both the Forward-Progressed and the Reverse-Progressed Midheaven and Ascendant. This will show the chart's "unique progression rate" (inserting the planets "Solar Arc Progressed" by that same rate will later further flesh out the story of the lifetime, but the "skeleton" of the life, all the truly major events, milestones, and turning points will be reflected in the aspects of the Angles). The calculations needed to determine a chart's "unique progression rate", for those who have been weaned on astrological computer programs, may seem to be asking much, but it is a matter of the time being spent, not the complexity of the calculations. For years, I was unable to afford programs that calculated midpoints and such, and routinely did them by hand, and this isn't much different (and before the age of the computer, I was used to "erecting charts", as it used to be called, from scratch). Ok, here's what I did (I will try to explain as best I can) - I set up a page with 4 vertical columns, one each for the Forward-Progressed Midheaven, its Ascendant, and the Reverse-Progressed Midheaven, and its Ascendant. I then got out my trusty 20-year-old coffee-stained pamphlet titled "Table of Houses", and proceeded to write down numbers. In the first column (the Forward-Progressed Midheaven column), the advancing numbers, number by number, following the degree of my Midheaven (5 degrees Taurus tropical): writing down the column: 5 Taurus, 6 Taurus, 7 Taurus, etc. I am 40 years old, and by the time I was finished with figuring out the "rate", this column had gone from 5 Taurus all the way to the middle of Sagittarius, where it is now. In the 2nd column, I wrote, next to the Midheaven numbers, their corresponding Ascendant numbers. I wrote down 15 + degrees Leo, 16 + Leo, 17 + Leo, etc. In the 3rd column, I wrote the Reverse Progressed Midheaven numbers: 5 Taurus, 4 Taurus, 3 Taurus, 2 Taurus, etc. In the 4th column, I wrote, next to those Midheaven numbers, their corresponding Ascendant numbers: 15 + Leo, 14 + Leo, 13 + Leo, 12 + Leo, etc. All the numbers were lined up across the page. In the fourth row, for example, the numbers would have been: 8 Taurus (Forward Midheaven), 17 + Leo (Forward-Progressed Ascendant), 2 Taurus (Reverse-Progressed Midheaven), 12 + Leo (Reverse-Progressed Ascendant). Next to all these numbers, I wrote the aspects these different Midheaven and Ascendant positions would make to the various planets in my chart. Then I looked at the "pattern" of those aspects. (Now, at this point, I wish I had marched right over to my local library and made about 20 copies of this list, because I spent the next week marking it up nearly beyond recognition, writing down different dates next to each aspect. Over and over I tried, saying to myself "let's see, if this aspect was "this event in my life" then that other aspect over there would be...") Being 40 years old, I knew that the progression rate was no faster than 9 degrees per year, and assuming that I would not live more than 100 years (a very liberal number, given my father's fondness for cancer), I estimated that the rate would not be less than 3.6 degrees per year. The average lifespan being somewhere around 70 years would correspond to a rate of 5.14 degrees per year. For a while I was convinced that I had found a rate that was very nearly 3 degrees per year, and for a time was very happy to think I was going to live to be 120 years old. But when that wore off, my critical mind returned, and I started searching harder, and finally discovered the true "magic secret number" of my chart - 5.45 degrees per year. When you find the number operating in your chart, you will know it. There is a shock of instant recognition of every aspect, every midpoint. And after you arrive at this number, and then insert into this scheme all the planets "Arc Progressed" by the same rate, you will be stunned even more. 3..................................... Bare my full soul before the whole astrological world, eh? Sure, I'm game (after my wife committed suicide, I don't seem to be afraid of much else). As to the question of just how normal my life has been, I'll let someone else be the judge of that. I am going to limit my astrological references to: A. hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) made by the Forward and Reversed Progressed Ascendant and Midheaven ("Ross Harvey's "Life Span Revolution" technique), and B. conjunctions made by "Arc Progressed" planets to natal planets and angles (my own added contribution to this technique). I could also discuss aspects made by the Progressed Angles to the midpoints, and the other hard aspects (squares & oppositions) made by the "Arc Progressed" planets, which would further illustrate the successful functionality of this progression method, but for the sake of brevity I will restrict myself to the above two groups of aspects. ********************** My birthdata: April 5, 1958 1:06:30 PM CST Michigan City, IN 41N43 86W54 *********************** Winter 69 - 70: MC opposition Pluto, ASC opposition Saturn Family moves from my childhood home into a new home, which the family has to work hard to fix up. I have a hard time adjusting to new social conditions, feeling alone & isolated. This was the first big change in my life. Age 11.5 Summer 71: Pluto conjunct Moon, ASC opposite Sun I passionate 7th grade romance occurs (the memories of which now scare the dickens out of me, as my own daughter is now 13 years old). Age 13. Fall 1974: ASC conjunct Jupiter, Uranus opposite MC, Uranus conjunct Moon Father surprises me by offering to buy me a motorcycle, thrilling me and making me feel impossibly lucky. Life was wonderfully exciting. Age 16.5 Summer 1976: MC conjunct ASC, Neptune conjunct Mars The summer of my first adult job, working hard labor for a soft-drink company. Summer 1978: ASC opposite Jupiter, Moon conjunct Venus, Saturn conjunct Sun My first adult relationship occurs this summer, with a horse-trainer who makes me work hard for the pleasure of her company (thus, I assume, the Sun conjunct Saturn, although Saturn is also Ruler of my 7th house). Summer 1979: MC conjunct Pluto, Pluto conjunct Saturn, ASC conjunct Sun Summer of my 21st birthday saw me abuse my newly acquired right to legally consume alcohol, getting myself arrested. Summer 1980: Sun conjunct ASC, Jupiter conjunct Venus My first apartment - first time I feel I'm my own person - I'm not living with anyone else but supporting myself - and "partying" a lot now. Winter 1981 - 1982 Saturn conjunct MC This is the only aspect that confuses me. At this point I started a relationship (Saturn is 7th ruler) and promptly got engaged (thus the MC connection: status). But I'd expected to see more positive aspects along side this, and outside of the oppositions and midpoints, there are none. But in true Saturn fashion, this relationship proved to be big time trouble for my life on down the road. Fall 1982: Sun conjunct Pluto The end of the abovementioned relationship found me obsessed and determined to see the relationship restored. This was a horribly painful time for me. Fall 1983 Uranus conjunct Saturn, MC square Saturn, ASC opposite Pluto Breaking all the rules, I jumped suddenly into an ill-advised new relationship with someone at work , which cost me my job. And, in true "ASC opposite Pluto" fashion, the woman with whom I started a relationship at this time ended up committing suicide a couple years on down the road. Summer 1984: ASC conjunct Venus. Got married. Fall 1985 ASC opposite ASC, ASC opposite Mars (DESC being tightly conjunct Mars in my natal chart) Five months after giving birth to our daughter, my new wife commits suicide. Summer 1987 Moon conjunct Sun, Venus conjunct Uranus, MC opposite Sun A totally unexpected relationship occurs suddenly, one of the most sexual, exciting, and fulfilling relationships I had ever had. Winter 1987 Neptune conjunct Sun The relationship dissolves without explanation. Just dissappears, leaving me very disappointed. Summer 1988 ASC conjunct Saturn, Pluto conjunct Mars, North Node conjunct Sun Arrested for the second, and so far, the final time in my life. Again for drinking. But also during Summer 1988: ASC square Jupiter, Venus conjunct Jupiter, Jupiter conjunct Sun Having casually studied religious and spiritual literature all my life, I began research into life after death, starting a project that would, in time, become a published book receiving very excellent reviews. (I also figure that all that Venus & Jupiter stuff helped in (1) my reckless over indulgence that led to my arrest, and (B) my not receiving any vet bad consequences from having been arrested). Summer 1989 MC conjunct Jupiter, Moon conjunct Mercury The first draft of my book attracted the attention of a literary agent, who took me on as a client. This was, in my eyes, a tremendous career milestone in itself, and I beamed with pride that summer as he began sending out copies of my book to various publishers. Summer 1990 MC opposite Mercury, MC conjunct Moon Having lived in an apartment over my parent's house since my wife's death, my now-five-year-old daughter and I move out into a house of our own. 1992 & 1993 Jupiter conjunct MC, Sun conjunct Jupiter During these two years, my research into life after death continued furiously, and my book underwent a great expansion and went through many rewrites. And I gained weight. Summer 1994 Ascendant conjunct Saturn, Mars conjunct Pluto, Sun conjunct Neptune Life was rough this year. Finances went to hell, my car broke down repeatedly, and I was depressed over the long effort and waiting for a publisher to accept my book. Summer through Winter 1995 Sun conjunct Moon, MC square Venus, Uranus conjunct Venus, MH square Pluto, Ascendant conjunct Mars A publisher expresses interest in my book in June. In December, the publisher agrees to accept my book. The same weekend, my father is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, and I begin the first relationship I've had in nearly 10 years, a very passionate one, one which eventually becomes an engagement. 4.............................................................. My late wife's chart also reflects the usefulness of using this new Life Span Revolution (LSR) technique as a valid progression method. Alice was born March 23rd, 1959 7:51 AM CST 41N36 86W43 and died September 7, 1985 Our relationship began suddenly and passionately. We met in October 1983 and she moved in with me in November. LSR aspects: ASC conjunct Mars, MC square Sun, MC trine Venus She was surprised by the news that she was pregnant the following October 1984. LSR aspects: MC trine Moon, MC opposition Uranus We were married the next month, in November 1984. LSR aspects: ASC conjunct Venus She successfully gave birth to a baby girl in April 85, her first child. MC square Venus, ASC square Uranus, ASC trine MC These aspects seem intuitive to me (especially ASC conjunct Mars for a woman starting a new relationship, with the man she would eventually marry, and ASC conjunct Venus for marriage) offering further substantiation for using this technique not only as a "death timer" but also as a valid progression option. - Peter Novak

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