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Subject: Re: Новый объект...- TNO - 2002 LM60
Date : 07 Oct 2002 12:47 GMT
From : Denis Maimistov [DenisM] (AstroSchool@mail.convey.ru)
To : Jet [Vladimir Poliansky]
J> Я сейчас наблюдаю за новейшим крупным обьектом AW197, о результатах сообщу.
J> Jet
Крупнейший только что открытый TNO - 2002 LM60, сопоставимый
по размерам (H=2.6) с Хароном.
Orbital elements:
2002 LM60
Epoch 2002 Nov. 22.0 TT = JDT 2452600.5 MPC
M 263.32417 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.00347310 Peri. 162.85255 +0.98920982 +0.14491931
a 43.1841920 Node 188.89794 -0.14535254 +0.95241715
e 0.0357187 Incl. 7.99079 -0.01834609 +0.26814168
P 284 H 2.6 G 0.15 U 4
2002 LM60 a,e,i = 43.18, 0.04, 8 q = 41.642
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V
2002 10 03 16 35.54 -14 58.7 43.912 43.422 60.1 1.1 19.2
2002 10 13 16 36.21 -15 01.3 44.049 43.421 50.5 1.0 19.2
2002 10 23 16 36.99 -15 04.0 44.167 43.420 40.9 0.9 19.2
2002 11 02 16 37.88 -15 06.6 44.263 43.419 31.4 0.7 19.1
О 2002 LM60 уже страничка в сети существует -
где авторы-открыватели даже предлагают имя (пока неофициально) "Quaoar"
(произносится kwah-o-wahr) со следующим обоснованием :
The Tongva people (sometimes called the San Gabrielino Native Americans)
inhabited the Los Angeles area before the arrival of the Spanish and other
European people. The name "Quaoar" (pronounced kwah-o-wahr) comes
from their creation mythology. In the words of Mark Acuna, Tongva scholar,
dancer and tribal elder:
"'Quaoar' the great force of creation sings and dances the high ones
(Dieties) into existence. While Quaoar has no form or gender he is
usually referred to with the male pronoun. He dances and sings first
'Weywot' who becomes Sky Father; they sing and dance 'Chehooit'
Earth Mother into existence. The trio sing 'Tamit' Grandfather Sun
to life. As each divine one joins the singing and dancing, the song
becomes more complex and the dance more complicated. In turn 'Moar',
Grandmother Moon (a very complex diety), 'Pamit' the Goddess of the
sea, 'Manit', the Lord of dreams and visions, 'Manisar' the bringer of food
and harvests, 'Tukupar Itar' Sky Coyote (who is also our major hero),
'Tolmalok', the Goddess of Shishongna (the underworld) join in the singing,
dancing and creating. And finally the great seven giants who hold up the
worlds are created. The High Ones in turn are aided by 'Eagle, Duck,
Bear, and Frog' in a grand earth diving story. Frog brings up soil out of
the deep dark sea, and the four animals dance it flat and wide. The 'Gods
and Goddesses' then furnish the world 'Tovangar' with hills, mountains,
trees, rivers, etc. 'Tobohar' (first man) and 'Pahavit' (first woman) are
also part of this great 'Creation song and dance cycle'."
Денис Маймистов