Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
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Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: Re: хорар "вирус или взлом?" Трактовка Date : 17 Apr 2002 11:55 GMT From : A P T [trounev] (amcon@canada.com) To : Тина [Tina] (mazko@mail.ru)
Т> Здравствуйте! Т> Это мой вопрос в заголовке. Т> Задала в 11-53 Челябинска 17.04.02 (разница с гринвичем - 6 часов) асц в 27 Т> рака, мц в 25 рыб. Т> Всем привет! Это похоже на вирус со взломом. Для аргумента укажу на другой хорар с аналогичной проблемой, а заодно и на метод решения. Письмо-предупреждение было получено 29 января 2002 в 16:09 в Торонто (43:50N 79:30W -5GMT). Асценденты вопросов в хораре у Тины и в данном письме совпадают с точностью до нескольких минут и соединяются со звездой Процион, которая в медицине отвечает за абсцесы, нагноения и т.д. Отметим, в тот период мой компьютер периодически взламывался неким пользователем астролоджера и диады, и от него приходили письма с вложеным вирусом. На вопрос Натальи ответим просто: антивирус должен быть включен всегда! Dear Rogers Customer You may receive an Email message with an infected attachment. This virus named W32/Myparty.a@MM, disguises itself as an Internet link. If opened, this virus can potentially make copies of itself and send itself (without your knowledge) to everyone in your Email address book. The infected attachment called ▒www. myparty. yahoo. com▓ may appear to be an innocent link to a Yahoo Website. However, in reality, it is an executable file that will infect your computer if you double-click it. IF YOU RECEIVE THIS EMAIL MESSAGE, DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT. DELETE THE EMAIL IMMEDIATELY. FOLLOWING ARE DETAILS ON THE EMAIL MESSAGE CONTAINING THE VIRUS: ------------------------ TO: This message has been sent to numerous Email users all over the Internet DATE SENT: (Varies) FROM: (Varies) SUBJECT: New photos from my party! BODY OF THE EMAIL MESSAGE: ------------------------ Hello! My party... It was absolutely amazing! I have attached my web page with new photos! If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks! DETAILS: - The message will appear to come from someone you know (Or from someone who has you listed in their address book) - The virus will not infect your computer unless you have opened the attachment. STEPS ON CLEANING THE W32/Myparty.a@MM VIRUS IF YOU HAVE OPENED THE ▒myparty. yahoo. com▓ FILE: 1. If you do not already own one, download an updated virus scanning software package. These virus-scanning packages can be downloaded from: - McAffee (http://software.mcafee.com/centers/download/default.asp) - Norton Antivirus (http://www.symantec.com/downloads/) - Moosoft: http://www.moosoft.com/ NOTE: Even if you own a virus scanning software package, it is very important that you download the latest virus definition file so that your software can clean this new virus. 2. Run your virus scanning software which will detect the W32/Myparty.a@MM and offer to clean it from your system. Select the option that cleans it from your system. 3. Read through the steps in the Surf Safe section on our customer support site to keep your computer safe. The Surf Safe section can be found at: http://rogers.home.com/help/content/how/surf_safe/ IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE EMAIL, BUT HAVE NOT OPENED ▒myparty. yahoo. com▓ FILE: 1. Delete the Email Message. 2. Empty your deleted Email folder. 3. Read through the steps in the Surf Safe section on our customer support site to keep your computer safe. The Surf Safe section can be found at: http://rogers.home.com/help/content/how/surf_safe/ Please note that although our Network Security team responds to virus complaints from Rogers customers, we strongly recommend that you consistently scan your Email attachments and downloaded files to protect your personal computer, no matter how trusted the source. This advice applies to all Email messages, not just the one discussed in this message. Please rest assured that the Rogers Network Security Team will continue to monitor the situation. Thank you, Rogers Network Security

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