Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
Subject: Re: О ""астрометоде""
Date : 15 Jul 2004 11:51 GMT
From : Danny Steinhoff [DS] (steindan@013.net.il)
To : Jet [Vladimir Poliansky]
J> Фроули,
J> применяет таро-???
J> J
Фроули против, но исходя из других соображений, чем Вы, Джет:
"This is tarot and rubbish like this, it's malevolent and is not good. People
should not do tarot..."
"...Because it opens them up and gin comes in. Gins are around us. I don't
really understand that stuff. There are people who know far more about this
stuff then I do. They told me. But, I've seen enough to know that it's dangerous
and that you don't mess around with it. And you open yourself - if you do things
like tarot - you open yourself to a gin and one should not do it..."
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