Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"

Subject: Re: Some programm for astrolger
Date : 23 July 1997 16:42 GMT
From : Ian Cinis (svetozor1@glas.apc.org)
To : Albert R. Timashev (arta@infopro.spb.su)
Hi there!
LV>> who knows any programm && other stuff for astrologer
AT> If you didn't find anything you are searching for at www.Astrologer.ru,
AT> I recommend you to visit the Astrological Links at www.Astrologer.ru
AT> 'Misc'.
You can aslo try ftp://ftp.demos.su/pub/astrology
but i've recently tried and it didn't respond. Strange :(
Main WWW-astrologer's server is
The best soft i'm using is freeware Astrolog 5.3
(midpounts, rising, comparing charts, lot of features, great & cool ;)
Have fun!