Портал "Русская Профессиональная Астрология"
Astrologer.ru - Фундаментальная Астрология StarGate.Ru - Популярная Астрология Консультационная Служба

Личная консультация у профессионального астролога

Subject: mundane predictions Date : 25 Oct 1999 13:29 GMT From : Edward [Edward Boertjes] (mail@isides.demon.nl) To : All
Hello to All ! My mundane charts have indicated the imminent rise of a dominant Eurasian heartland alliance (Russia, China, India,..) and the fall of the western empire, triggered by economic collaps and finally, spring 2004, resulting in the U.S.A. falling apart. This autumn a great leader should appear in Russia. To enable further research I need crucial data: 1.(if not restricted !) Does anybody know the birthdata of prime minister Mr. Vladimir Putin ? Is "Putin" his real name ? 2.Could any part of the Russian Federation be considered Sagittarian ruled ? There is indicated an invasion of a Sagittarius region, but not necessarily in Russia. Thanks in advance. Edward.

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Астрологическая Консультационная Служба портала Русская Профессиональная Астрология

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