Considering different descriptions of Zodiac types, a modern
astrologer often finds a correlation of the Zodiacal signs with
different colors. And in the most of cases this information seems
to be only an occasional descriptive characteristic of the sign
and is not seriosly used in astrological practice. But every color
has its own psychological meaning and a certain influence on our
psyche; and for a medieval astrologer the search of such analogies
between the material and spiritual realms was a necessary instrument
of work with the human soul, the base of magic procedures and
a key to the mysteries of the world.
Now the need of reconstructing of the vivid plenty of images
in astrology requires a serious analysis of immediate perception
traditions, and here the help of achievements of colorpsychology,
a modern science, is possible. The immediate influence of the
color on human psyche is one of the simplest means permitting
us to understand and depict unconscious processes.
In different descriptions there occur divergences in color
interpretation of the signs and the planets. But the obvious divergences
often turn out not to be contradictory when we compare the systems
in which the interpretation is made. That is why for a correct
correlation of the color and the sign, it's important to consider
mutual correlations of colors in the system of the whole Zodiacal
cycle. Likewise, when one color is assigned to different planets
or signs, we should find a common characteristic between them
that reflects this color - and for a more strict definition, associate
the color with the sign that manifests the quality of the color
For example, the violet in different descriptions is assigned
to Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces. That color reflects
the quality of changeability and duality, speaking in the astrological
language - mutability, which is a common feature of these signs.
But considering the characteristics of violet in full: mysticism,
gloom, sinking into the depth, hypnotism - we can define it as
the main color of Pisces and Neptune.
Making a strict correlation between signs and colors, we tried
to find the dominating color of a sign in the system of psychological
correlations in Zodiac. In the description the psychological and
physical characteristic of a color is followed by the corresponding
sign, planet and house, in conclusion.
SCARLET-RED - evokes the state of activity, aggressiveness,
excitement, boldness, frankness and delight, that is the impulse
of energy, heat, and ardor. It is the most intensive (the most
chromatic) color, irritating physically, masculine, powerful and
rude, choleric, it percepts like same thing present in time. In
the day light it is the brightest of the colors, but it becomes
less distinctive in the twilight - its power doesn't spread to
the quiet and soft nocturnal world. This color corresponds to
the active triangular form and anything with the red surface seems
sharp and dynamic.
YELLOW-GREEN - liberates and renews feelings, fascinates
by softness and calm, evokes the impression of nature, emotional
satisfaction and peace, pleasure and charm, enchantment and affection.
Green is defensive and cautious, weakening and static, a feminine
color of passiveness and peace, wisdom of nature, eternal life
and hope. It has the passive and harmonic oval form.
ORANGE-YELLOW - emancipates, predisposes to contacts, interaction,
intensive search and vividness. Yellow is the most open, youthful,
joyful and slight color, directed to the future, sociable and
restless, eccentric and quick. It demolishes the limitations and
runs out of any form, makes distances shorter and approaches things:
when painted in yellow, they, reflecting the light well, attract
our attention. Yellow can correspond to the form of a six-ray
star, running out in the sides.
LIGHT EMERALD - called "lunic" in the Orient
- the color of perception and intuition, dismissal and isolation,
inner emotionality, changeability and freshness, ideal femininity.
That tinge of green, in comparison with the green color of Taurus,
is more slender and cool, compliant but hidden, emotionally instable,
sad, inwardly mobile, outwardly inert, strange and dreamy. It
reflects the feeling of vulnerability, apprehension, in the twilight
it becomes lighter and luminiscent, in the day light it grows
dim and dark. The color has the feminine form of the long oval.
RICH ORANGE - stimulates, strengthens, fills with force
and health, gives the impression of the constant flue of energy.
Orange is the hottest, widest and the most pleasant and positive
color, reflecting the balance of will and possibility, consciousness,
ripeness, abundance, happiness and sexuality. It ensures, supports,
and evokes appetite, awakes, but not excites, and tends to embrace
space. Orange corresponds to the form of the wide rhombus that
joins the diversity of yellow and the strength of red.
GREY - restrains, neutralizes, analyzes, and distributes.
It is the color of modesty, renunciation, accuracy and mentality.
As a merger of white and black, it joins the oppositions and can
approach extremities. It is the least "colorful" (chromatic)
color, including all the colors in the integral form. Associated
with rationalism and control, this color seems to abdicate from
the vivid shine of the others. There is some devotion in it, but
also some wreckness and cynicism of a ruthless analysis, capability
to sharp changes and at the same time, flexibility, adaptability
and practicability: it is difficult to obscure the color. It corresponds
to the rational rectangular form.
LIGHT-LEMON - the most slender, tender and uncertain color,
tends to merge with white that is the balance of all the colors.
There is some artificiality, piquancy, weakness and indecisiveness
in it. At the same time, it is light, cautious, changeable, and
attractive. It tunes on aesthetic perception and sympathy, and
consoles. This tinge is less intensive, than the bright yellow
color of Gemini, more static, modest and harmonic. It orients
to the mold contact but also evokes the feeling of insecurity
and unreliability, concealed ruse, and treason. This color has
the form of a long hexagon (with concave sides), it reflects the
light well, diminishing its intensity a little.
DARK RED - the color of emotional saturation, passion,
power, suppression, demand, sublimated activity, suffering, threat
and strained temper. It is erotic and evokes instincts. In contrast
to the red of Aries, this darker tinge of red is less open, more
secret, not positive and tense: there is some concealment and
hardness in it, because of its saturation, it causes more emotional
than physical excitement, as red of Aries. This color correlates
with the form of the triangle, the top below and the upper side
round, like the heart.
ULTRAMARINE BLUE - the most transcendent, spiritual color
of the dark sky with stars and space, directs into infinity, gives
inner assurance, interest in the mundane experience, the color
of faith and religion, tradition, loyalty, straightheartedness
and upper harmony, fascination by the sublime. According the statistics,
blue is the most preferable color that points to its "leadership"
and "authority" between the other colors. Blue has the
form of the ideal circle, inspiring the feeling of inner support
and solemnity.
BROWN-BLACK - the hard color of matter, reality and affinity,
conservatism, stability, concentration, work, demands, principles,
silence and ambitions. Black is the most concentrating and the
hardest color - the color of protest, judgement, renunciation
and isolation, time and death as absolute finality. It does not
reflect the light and creates the feeling of hardness, seriousness,
pessimism, compression, and darkness. It corresponds to the restricted
and closed, the stable form of the square.
LIGHT BLUE - inspires the sense of infinite perspective,
enlarges the space and manifests the subconscious, makes the impression
of clarity, affection, friendship, separates from the reality,
tunes on dreams, endeavor of supernatural and carelessness. Blue
is the color ofthought and fantasy, born from physical
passivity, it is the most distant and cold color, with remoting
contours of things, tuning on renovation and travelling. It has
the form of circle, widening and dissolving into space.
LILAC-VIOLET - the unstable color of inner contradictions
and gloom, mystery, melancholy, alien influences, repentance and
patience, sanctity. Violet is the deep color of fascination, magic,
supernatural, mystic and mysterious, incomprehensible, it has
the deep and even suppressing influence on the psyche, intoxicating
the mind, hypnotic and meditative. It has the circle form with
wavy contour.
* * *
The signs of the Zodiac have the most widespread characteristics
of astrological notions, and that is why for their description
the whole gammas of colors occur. Below for a more concrete depiction
of signs, the combinations of colors are given below. They can
characterize decanates of the sign but also relate to the sign
as a whole. We can determine the color combination of the decanate
through its psychological particularity. At first the short characteristic
of the decade is given, then the colorpsychological meaning of
the corresponding combination.
1 DECANATE.The first impulse of the new, weak but bold,
breaks the fetters of the past, overcoming the obstacles.
- the birth of impulse, awakening of energy, revival,
passion and purity.
2 DECANATE. The impulse grows and affirms its will.
- energy and warmth, positiveness, light and joy.
3 DECANATE. The impulse deepens into matter, meets resistance
and the intercourse begins.
- emotional excitement, amorousness, and inspiration of life.
1 DECANATE. The call of the spring nature stimulates the revelation
of the sensual world.
Yellow-greenwiththedeepblue - emotional sensitivity,
changeability of feelings, impressions and desires.
2 DECANATE. The stream of emotions is calmed down by nature's
comforting presence.
- soft excitement, natural comfort and calm possession.
3 DECANATE. Peaceful wisdom of material experience imparts understanding,
desires and points a way to realizations.
- reminds of the natural combination of verdures and the soil,
making impression of inner peace, persistence and security, construction
in the natural rhythm.
1 DECANATE. Mental imagination observes different possibilities.
2 DECANATE. Comparison and controversy establishes the logical
- rational polarization, ties and their logical reflection.
3 DECANATE. Information derived from the whole creates a harmonic
interaction of the parts.
Yellowandgrey - tunes
on curiosity, contact and gives the sense of participation and
flexibility through the practical application of ideas.
1 DECANATE. Intimacy turns to the inner source of senses.
Turquoise-greenwith lilac-pink
- unstable feelings, inner vibration, sentimentality, need to
connect with the external support.
2 DECANATE. The aim toward manifestation makes a stable mechanism
of switching from the inner reception to the outer.
- flexibility, slender perceptivity, moderation, fantasy, but
also dismissal and hidden dissatisfaction.
3 DECANATE. Genuine imagination flows into the spontaneous reality.
Greenandwhite - purity
and freshness of emotions, contemplation and eternal hope.
1 DECANATE. The personal will operates energy, presenting proud
consciousness of the individual ego.
Orangewithbrown -
heat, energy and mass, steady rush, pressure of will.
2 DECANATE. Plenty of being leads to material and spiritual abundance.
- creates the impression of solemnity, abundance and dignity,
nobility and triumph, spiritualization of matter.
3 DECANATE. The energy of personal will is realized in the power
and self-devotion of the leader.
- the strain between material comfort and the force of passion,
struggle and joining with multitudinal, tangible, notable power.
1 DECANATE. Constant work conserves energy in a dynamic balance.
- keeps the feeling of heat passing away, dryness, security and
comfort, natural pragmatism and order.
2 DECANATE. The structural organization of the whole controls
natural processes.
Lilac-greywithdarkgreen - analysis and connection, economy of energy,
passivity, restriction and hidden pretence.
3 DECANATE. Neutralization of the personal in favour of perfect
Light-greywithdarkblue - accuracy and precision, mentality, neutrality,
industry, impersonality and emotional indifference.
1 DECANATE. Sympathy for the partner helps the mutual understanding.
- causes sympathy, delight, affection and charm, amiability, but
little indecisiveness.
2 DECANATE. Definition of measure leads to the establishment of
harmony and balance.
- balance of the distant and the near, the spiritual and the material,
perceptiveness of thought and comfort of the body, toleration.
3 DECANATE. Delicate understanding of the relationship as the
analogue of higher spiritual laws.
- makes the impression of politeness, attentiveness, quiet optimism,
humor and vivid changes.
1 DECANATE. Exactingness toward oneself and the world in the pursuit
of truth.
- suppresses feelings and creates the impression of a hidden force,
concealed threat and danger, rigid analysis and vindictiveness.
2 DECANATE. Deep consciousness of hidden processes gives power
over them.
Darkredwithpalegreen - creates feeling of mysterious twinkle, extraction,
concealed passion, the integration of inner life-asserting forces
with surface inertia.
3 DECANATE. Intense sensitivity penetrates mysteries of life and
Deeppinkwithdarkemerald - reflects refined sensitivity and hidden
strain, emotional demand and insight, temptation.
1 DECANATE. Activity of the mind recognizes dynamic forces ruling
the world.
- dynamic connection of controversies, comparison and sharp manifestation
of different forces, unity of power and sublimity.
2 DECANATE. Succession of traditions manifests the spiritual richness
of the world.
- makes the impression of the cosmic light radiating from the
depth, the connection between the secret and the manifest, represents
idealistic romantics.
3 DECANATE. Ideology and ritual consolidate the objectivity of
recognized truths.
- symbolizes firm authority, substantial and sublime, pretence
and dogmatism, magic ritual, spiritual dedication.
1 DECANATE. Basing on a solid foundation helps to consolidate
the personal understanding of predestination.
- the combination focuses on restriction and responsibility, discipline
and regimentation, limiting the perspective.
2 DECANATE. Persistence directed toward an aim overcomes obstacles.
expresses powerful and obstinate pressure, slow and definite advance,
demands and heaviness.
3 DECANATE. The goal achieved is transformed into material results.
Blackwithbeige - gives
the sense of reality, substantiality of matter, firmness, definiteness.
1 DECANATE. The freedom of creativity broadens the horizons of
the world.
- makes sense of openness, light, spontaneous perception and creativity,
clarity of mind, liberation from everyday problems.
2 DECANATE. The beam of intuition reaching everywhere explores
the unknown.
- opens the perspective, reflects distance and coldness, light
and purity, dream and renewal.
3 DECANATE. Removal the illusion of an ideal separates from reality.
- expresses illusions and doubt regarding manifest reality, melancholy,
sexlessness, utopian states.
1 DECANATE. Acceptance of the will of fate gives birth to mystical
Violetwithwhite -
gives the impression of sinking into the depth, humility, repentance
and purification, absolutism and fatalism, symbolizes the eternity.
2 DECANATE. Cosmic vibrations penetrate the living tissues of
the word.
Darkgreenwithlightlilac - evokes the feeling of hesitation, deep influences,
inertness, swings from unity to distraction.
3 DECANATE. Inner resonance of the soul with the Universe promotes
its selfmanifestation.
- has hypnotic suggestion, intoxicates, inspires, causes emotional
excitement, reflects transformation through and inner to outer
transformation and back again.
Man's eye distinguishes over 700 nuances of color. Certainly
not all the combinations were included in the characteristic of
the decanates. Only pairs of color describing the signs as a whole
were elected. Theoretically, we could assign to the different
pieces of the Zodiac all the Plenty of color tinges. But our eyes
detach not all the tinge as equivalent - as we use not all the
sound in the speech: any language has a definite set on vowels
and consonants. So in the system the accent is made to the most
independent tinges of color and their meanings in the combination,
permitting to define the distance needed to distinguish between
the colors correlated closely.
* * *
The definition of the color correlations to the signs of the
Zodiac (and also to the planets and the houses) gives the opportunity
to design the color-horoscope of the individual. It will
include colors of the signs in the inner circle, colors of houses
in the outer, and the spots of planets on the circumference. The
chart influences to the subconscious, creating along with the
mental analysis the wholeness of perception. It also can be the
base for creating the artificial image of a person. For people
inclined to develop and use the extrasensory capabilities, it
gives the possibility to work with the chart through the color
The wider practical application of color in the connection
with the horoscope will evidently show the future of colortherapy.
Some words about the interpretation of aspects in the colorhoroscope.
Aspects can be regarded as the combinations of colors with the
different intensity, that makes dynamic influence on the psyche.
According this, an aspect of conjunction adds brightness to the
colors, an opposition makes them more pastel, a trigon softens
the contrast between them, a square intensifies it, a sextile
makes the tinges of the colors closer (for example sextile of
red Mars and blue Jupiter is regarded as the combination of orange-red
with blue-green).
The work with the parameters describing the static picture
of the horoscope is more simple. The colorhoroscope helps to manifest
the psychological characteristic of planet through the color background
of it's position in the sign and the house.
Using the color combinations for finding and rectification
of the Ascendent also gives good results. It is noticed that people
usually prefer and recognize themselves in the colors of the decades
where are the Sun, Moon and the Ascendent.
To awake our subconscious apprehension is one of the tasks
of astrology, the using of the color analogies promotes it. But
it is important that the search for such analogies was not only
intuitive and occasional: only a developed theory gives a good
practical application.
* * *
The most of astrologers aren't used to operate with colors
in the practice, and the simple approximate method to find the
person's color combination according to the horoscope is suggested
below. Besides the sign of Zodiac, where the Sun is, you need
to define the second most important accent of the horoscope (that
may be the strongest planet of the chart, or the sign of which
it rules: the second accent should be found when regarding the
picture at whole). In the table you can find colors characterizing
a person, according to the sign and the second accent of a horoscope
denoted by the planet.