The Russian Professional Astrology
Main Site Consulting Service
Ïåðåêëþ÷èòüñÿ íà ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉConsulting Service of the Russian Professional Astrology

astrological services

Albert and Maria Timashev
Consulting Service of the «Russian Professional Astrology» is the highest quality of the services, professionalism, individual approach to each customer, and reasonable prices.
«Russian Professional Astrology» as the biggest Internet site of the Russian professional astrologers guarantees you the confidential, private, professional, efficient, and creative dialog with astrologers.
The Director of the Consulting Service is Albert R. Timashev, the famous Russian astrologer and researcher with more than 15 years of experience, and the senior expert is Maria A. Timasheva.

How to make an order:

Our services and prices:

Service descriptionPrice
in the spheres of business, job, finance, marriage, family, children, love, romance, health
Your personal horoscope is the navigational map of your destiny. So the professional astrologer, as your personal navigator in the ocean of your life, can find the answer to any important question in your astrological chart.
    Personal forecast for the nearest 10 years
Detailed to a quarter. Precision of dates: 1 month.
It allows you to know the further development of events of your life in the nearest future. Also includes the general description of the destiny or the psychological portrait (at the customer's option). See an example.
Personal forecast for a whole life
Detailed to a year. Precision of dates: 1 quarter.
It allows you to get clear idea of your life path, to plan your life, to use the beneficent periods of your destiny at full extent, and to avoid loses during the maleficent periods as far as you can. You can specify from one to three spheres of life (business, job, finance, marriage, family, children, love, romance, health) for more detailed consideration in the forecast, and also ask up to three extra questions about your life and destiny. The years of the probable passing away are indicated if you express your wish to know them.
Personal forecast for a year
Detailed to 2 weeks. Precision of dates: 3-4 days.
It allows you to correctly plan your activity for a year, to rationalize the use of your inner powers, and also to prepare for the 'unexpected' turning points of your life. In addition to the text description it includes graph-forecast of your personal successfulness to within one day (see an example of the graph-forecast).
Personal forecast for a month
Detailed to 2-3 days. Precision of dates: 1 day.
It is absolutely necessary in the dynamic periods of your life, when the events of each day are significant to you. In addition to the text description it includes graph-forecast of your personal successfulness to within one hour (see an example of the graph-forecast) and individual everyday calendar.
Individual graph-forecast of the personal successfulness
It shows the level of your personal successfulness in each moment. It is possible to make a graph for one year to within a day and for one month to within an hour and also subject-matter graphs of successfulness in the particular spheres or aspects of life. See the yearly graph example, monthly graph example.
Individual everyday calendar
Provides the information for the effective planning of the individual schedule to a half of an hour during one month. Gives the objective appraisal of the situation, its effect on the individual, the ability of individual to alter the situation—in general, by the 5 primary factors and by the 12 spheres of life.
    Psychological portrait
The description of the character, psychological problems, strong and week sides of the personality. See an example.
General description of the destiny without indication of the exact times of events
The description of the predestination, the life path, and the general nature of the events of the life. See an example.
Compatibility of the partners
The description of the character of the interrelations, positive and negative sides of the interaction, and the optimal models of behavior with each other.
    Selection of the favorable time for the start
The start of every business defines its result. Therefore, it's very important not only to plan the business correctly, but also to start it at the right time.
Selection of the favorable place (country, region, state, city, and district)
for residence, business, career, relaxation, etc.
Each place on the surface of the Earth has its own influence on each person. One can greatly improve the destiny by knowing his/her most favorable places.
Name selection for the newborn, name correction for the grown-up
To a great extent the personal name defines the ability of an individual to incarnate his/her destiny while living in the human society. The right choice of a personal name for a newborn means easier life-path, avoidance of the unnecessary problems, and strengthening of the positive sides of the individual destiny. Name correction for the grown-up sometimes means the complete change of the course of life, discovering his/her real place in the society, starting to live his/her own life and to incarnate his/her own destiny.
    Business Time Organizer (Planner) for a month:
  • Universal
  • Specialized
  • Individual
  • Enterprise
Time Organizer indicates the favorable and unfavorable days and hours for the various sorts of the business activity. It allows you to increase the efficiency of your activities by more than 20%.
The Specialized Time Organizer contains indications of the favorable and unfavorable days and hours for the customer-specified sorts of the business activity.
The Individual and Enterprise Time Organizers are based on the individual rhythms of the person or enterprise accordingly, and contain the indications of the favorable and unfavorable days and hours for the customer-specified sorts of the business activity.
    from €100   
    on the agreement   
    on the agreement   
Individual forecast for the VIP for a half year
Research-forecast for the specific VIP.
from €350
Analysis of the current state of the enterprise, forecast and advices for a half year
Research-forecast for the specific enterprise/organization.
on the agreement
Examination of the employee
(informational support for the Human Resources department)
Determination of the professional ability, mental/psychic stability, compatibility with the collective, etc.
from €50 x person
Selection of the optimal time for the important action
from €150
Selection of the optimal place (country, region, state, city, and district)
for the business, office, and so on.
from €125
Informational support of the project
Selection of the optimal time for the important actions, selection of the optimal place for the office, forming of the strong and well-organized team, forecasts and advices.
on the agreement
Analysis, forecast and advices for other matters on the agreement


  1. The birth time must be known within 1-5 minutes for the forecasts and within 5-15 minutes for the other services. The rectification of the birth time within 1 hour by the dates of the known events of the life and the outward appearance of the person is included in the price of all services. The determination of the birth time within more than 1 hour (or if the birth time is unknown) is an independent service and its price is form €25 to €250 depending on the complexity of the concerned case.
  2. Each forecast is detailed to some period of time that indicates the minimal length of the periods, events and situations under consideration. Precision of the forecast indicates the accuracy of computation of the periods boundaries, dates of events and key moments of the development of situations.
  3. The cost of consideration of additional questions is €30 per question if question does not require long calculations and analysis. The cost of consideration of the complicated additional questions are not greater than the prices, listed above.
  4. The examination of the questions concerned with people whose destiny has been analysed already in the course of the previous consultations is 20% off the regular price.
  5. Methods of payment: cash (at St.Petersburg, Russia only), credit card (Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club), check, bank wire transfer, WebMoney transfer* (view WM passport).
    We accept Visa, MasterCard, Eurocard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club We accept WebMoney
    *) Offered goods and services are not provided on order of a person or company, who runs WebMoney Transfer System. We are an independent entity providing services and making decisions about pricing and offers ourselves. Companies, running WebMoney Transfer System do not receive any commission, interest fees or any other awards/refunds for the provided goods or services and are not liable for our activities. Verification done by WebMoney Transfer System only confirms the accuracy of our contact details and prove the identity. Verification is performed on our own intention and doesn't mean or show our connection with WebMoney System operators sales.


Participant of Rambler's Top100 Copyright © 2003-04, Albert R. Timashev
131595 visitors from January 15, 2003