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The world stock market panic was predicted in the Russian newspaper in the space of a week before its beginning!

The Russian newspaper Vecherny Peterburg publishes the weekly forecasts by the Regional Research Centre headed by A.Buzinov. B.Romanov well-known to the readers of the Vecherny Peterburg by his monthly historical articles takes part in composition of these weekly forecasts as well. Sooner it was noticed (Vecherny Peterburg from January 15), that many of the non-standard forecasts of the Buzinov's Centre come true just in time. So, in the last year the beginning of the Chechnian agression was forecasted on the beginning of August, then the replacement of prime minister was predicted exactly on August 9 (Stepashin-Putin), on the middle of September the acts of terrorism in Moscow were forecasted, and many other predictions come true. By the way, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda (N6, January 14) reported that A.Buzinov predicted the rising of Putin in 1999/2000 as far back as two years ago.
Now there is a new direct hit! In the Vecherny Peterburg from the April 8 in the weekly forecast (April 8-14) it was said literally the following: 'In the world financial system a storm is coming, and it will burst out in the full measure in May-June'. The panic on the New York stock market began on April 14... We should notice, that in the quarterly forecast of the Centre itself, this prediction was made in the 1999--even at that time the panic was predicted on April 2000.
The forecasts regarding St. Petersburg come true in general too. From the last ones, the forecast for Saturday April 15 deserves to be mentioned: the risk of mass disturbances at the places of sport events. As is well known, in that day the fight between Zenith and Dinamo fans on the Petrovsky stadium has took place, there are more than 80 victims. It's not typical of Zenith fans, thus this is not just a coincidence.
Let us note that the forecast on the March 26 president elections in Russia published in Vecherny Peterburg (March 21) came true in every detail.
First, in space of few days before March 26 Putin 'offered a hand' to the Otechestvo-Vsya-Rossia (in the article the name of its leader Primakov was mentioned), and actually another OVR leader Luzhkov said 'we accept this offer'. It's unknown, has Putin the conversation with Primakov as well or not, but on March 27 Primakov said in the Hero of the Day telecast at NTV channel, that he's ready to examine any propositions, those are interesting for him.
Second, it was predicted, that in case of agreement with Primakov (that was actually stated by Luzhkov), Putin will win in the first round, as it happend.
Third, it was predicted, that result will 'a little more than 50%', and actual result is 52,9%.
Fourth, it was predicted, that such a result will be the reason to protest from the side of the losers. Indeed, Zuganov on the March 27 night made such the claims.
Fifth, it was wrote, that 'in the end of March and in the beginning of April we predict the abrupt intensification of the war in Chechnya or in connection with it'. And that was happend--on March 27-28 mass media reproduced the words of the Russian command in Chechnya, that 'current calm is very suspicious', and as early as March 29 there were first news about abrupt activization of gangs and havy losses of the Russian Army. It's sad when such forecast on Chechnya come true, but, from the other side, the warned, the armed.

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