Ephemerides of the Hypothetic Planets of the Avestan School
by Albert Timashev
The Explanations to the Ephemerides
Now in Avestan School of Astrology (AShA)
12 hypothetical planets are found a use. These are seven Guards of
Heaven, destroyed Earth satellite called demoness
Az (one of Dark Moons in western astrology) and four transplutonian planets
(Proserpine, Isis,
Osiris and Anubis).
The elements of orbits of these planets were found by Pavel Globa and are
specified and corrected by Author. On a today's moment the most exact
ephemerides is the ephemerides of Proserpine
(about minutes of an arc). As for the Guards of Heaven,
Vakshya, Shatavaesh
are traced most precisely today (up to one degree in most cases).
The Rapitvina ephemerides has the same accuracy,
except for moment of its "connection" with the Earth, when it
is difficult to warrant any accuracy in general (it is 1922-23 and 1991).
The ephemerides of Az and Tishtar
have the lowest exactness (average error from 4 up to 8 degrees) because of
their minor cycle and headlong changing of orbit parameters in time. Also
it's not necessary to trust too much for Rasi ephemerides,
as its orbit hardly unstable. Nevertheless as a whole the ephemerides give
quite good approximation of the majority of hypothetical planets. For
clarification of their real positions the Author frequently uses a pendulum
and recommends this checked up antiquated method for daily application.
Ephemerides give positions of hypothetical planets at 0:00 GMT on 1, 8, 16
and 24 days of each month with precision within minutes of arc.
In the table below it's given the symbols of hypothetical planets of
Avestan School, their names (usual
and Avestan), cycles (the letter R after a cycle means reverse movement),
key words and greatest possible errors of their positions calculated with
a help of this ephemerides (D, in the degrees).
General Name
Avestan Name
Key words
108 years R
Mirror Virgin, erasing of the information, check on the validity
7.89 years R
The guard of the Past, genetic memory, male sexuality
360 days
The ideal Earth, aspiration to an ideal, Golden Age, utopia
III satellite of the Earth,
Dark Moon
Az (Aza)
69 days
demoness Az, fear, horror, annihilation
< 30
II satellite of the Earth
51 days R
The guard of the Future, modeling of the future, divination, mantica
< 30
73 years R
The guard of Eternity, riddles, coans, forcing to see essence
20 years R
The guard of the Present, warrior, stand guard of the law of truth, ready to fight
8.1 years
The wife of Shatavaesh, female sexuality
665 years
Faith, soul, religion, alchemy of a body
< 1
Ardvisura Anahita
360 years
The spiritual Mother, cleanse, transformation, alchemy of soul
1025 years
The spiritual Father, court, retribution, alchemy of spirit
Arieman, Narya-Sangha
775 years
The Messenger, dialogue with spirits, with forces of a nature, healing, guard between the worlds
descriptions and characteristics of hypothetical planets
Transplutonian hypothetical planets Proserpine,
Isis, Osiris
and Anubis are well known for the Russian astrologers.
However, the Guards of Heaven are used only by
Avestan School, therefore first of
all let's to tell about them. The brief characteristics of hypothetical
planets from lectures by P.P.Globa, and also my own supervision are resulted
below. I shall warn, that such terms as "astral planet"
or "astral trace", which I should use, quoting Pavel
Globa, are included by me into a group of those concepts, which I prefer to
not use, because if we will speculate them, it is possible to explain anything
we like and "explore" an infinite quantity of "new"
planets. However, unfortunately I do not know how to explain an essence of
the Guards of Heaven without these concepts, as if they were real bodies,
the astronomers should find out them a long time ago, what has not taken place
till now. Probably, it is possible to explain these "planets"
by any resonant rhythms of Solar system or something like that. But the fact
remains - in an astrological chart these planets work, and especially, it
would be necessary to pay your attention to Shatavaesh and Rasi - we have
traced these two "planets" very well, and they give unique keys
to the analysis of pair contacts! Really.
Four Guards of Heaven (Tishtar,
Haurang, Shatavaesh,
Vanand) define a way of our development in space
(East, South, West, North) and in time (past, present, future, eternity).
By use of them we can determine a carmic potential of human, thus these are
the most important planets in horoscopes of Spirit and Conception.
Guard of East, red color, connected with the ASC point, number 55 and index
finger, simulating the future as branching corridors, relieving from roam in
a labyrinth. All antises, symmetric mirror points simulating the future,
and contrantises, the points of a choice, are connected with Tishtar. From
the astronomical point of view Tishtar is the second satellite of the Earth
rotating in the reverse with a cycle about 51 days. According to one of
hypotheses this satellite of the Earth was beat out from the orbit during the
fall of Phaethon (now first asteroids belt), or even earlier. However, based
on the fact of existence of this satellite long time on the orbit around our
planet, and probably even has arisen simultaneously with it, it is possible
to hope that this ancient cycle lives and "works", without regard
to its material carrier was destroyed for a long time.
Guard of North, white color connected with the IC point, number 77 and ring
finger, opening the present, always ready to any turn of events, ready to rush
in fight. From the astronomical point of view is invisible (astral) planet
rotating around the Sun in reverse with 20.35 years cycle.
Guard of West, green color, connected with DSC point, number 88 and middle
finger, keeping the past and memory of lost happiness (Golden Age), concept
of happiness. It's connected with male sexuality. All points of Gold Section
giving an opportunity to develop on a harmonious basis, are connected with
Shatavaesh. From the astronomical point of view it represents
invisible (astral) planet rotating around the
Sun in reverse with a 7.89 years cycle.
is a female half of Shatavaesh, female sexual energy. On the positions of Rasi
and Shatavaesh in the man and woman horoscopes it's easy to determine, how
they will cooperate in the sexual plan, what woman wants from the man
(Shatavaesh in a female horoscope), and what man wants from the woman
(Rasi in a man's horoscope), and simultaneously what woman represents
as the woman (Rasi in her horoscope), and what man represents as the man
(his Shatavaesh). From the astronomical point of view Rasi is
invisible (astral) planet rotating around
the Sun with a cycle about 8.1 years.
Guard of the South, dark blue color, connected with the MC point, number 99
and little finger, knight of a sad image, dark blue rider with a head covered
by cloak, thinking coans, unsoluble riddles, which conduct us to comprehension
of Eternity. From the astronomical point of view represents
invisible (astral) planet rotating around
the Sun in reverse with a cycle about 73 years.
Twice Mirror Winged Virgin, connected with number 44 and large finger,
daughter of Zurvan (Unlimited Time), wife of all Guards. Erases and arranges
unintelligible checks, rearranges all from legs on a head, the check on the
truth, it's shown as a God's scourge. All midpoints (restoring of the static
balance) are connected with it. From the astronomical point of view it's
invisible (astral) planet rotating around
the Sun in reverse with 108 years cycle.
The Rapitvina and Aza deserve a separate description, as they are
especial astrological artifacts, which cannot be referred to any certain
group of hypothetical planets. Rapitvina sometimes carry to the Guards of
Heaven together with Vaksya and Rasi. Then the total quantity of the Guards
turns out equally seven. However classical variant is the four Guards and
planets, contiguous to them: Vaksya stands above all them, Rasi is female
half of one of the Guards, and Rapitvina as a reminder on the lost Paradise.
is an Ideal Earth having a cycle equal 360 days, not modern days (the
terrestrial day is making longer, thus these 360 days time interval is
little shorter then modern 360 days time interval). So, the Rapitvina orbit
lays slightly closer to the Sun, than the orbit of the real Earth, and
because of this the very interesting effect arises when the "connection"
of the Earth and Rapitvina appears. As Rapitvina is gone little bit faster,
than the Earth, each 69 years it "catches up" the Earth and passes
at the minimal distance with it. Such two connections occurred in 1922-23,
when USSR was just formed, and in 1991, when USSR was disorganized, and
a new Russia together with other countries of CIS came on its place.
Rapitvina gives aspiration to an ideal, desire to return Golden Age on
the Earth right now, in a word, it is Utopia, insuperable desire to embody
utopia dream. In different time this dream can be different, but the essence
remains the same.
Az, being an embodiment of fear, horror, and principle of annihilation,
was not such awful all the time. Astronomically it represents
"astral trace" of the third Earth
satellite with 69 days cycle. It is not surprising, that Aza resist to
69 years Rapitvina. According to one of the versions, the third satellite
of the Earth called Ushtra, was broken in a dust during one of cosmic
catastrophes happened in Solar system. From this moment the point, where
Ushtra was earlier, became annihilator, funnel, symbol of destruction of
a matter for the Earth, and that is demoness Az. The insatiable desire to
swallow up it all, suck out all life, it is bottomless barrel.
Little bit more simple situation with transplutonian hypothetical planets.
While the astronomers have not got so deeply into space to open planets with
cycles more than 350 years, these planets can give chance of real existence.
connected with faith, with superior manifestation of the soul, with religious
system which you follows, with your choice, and also with alchemy of the body.
It is superior Saturn, super-system, where is important each triviality.
It is connected with alchemical mutation, transformation and regeneration,
including the cold nuclear synthesis.
Spiritual Mother, superior Moon. It gives cleanse and transformation,
it's connected with alchemy of soul. Isis gives vent to the man the cosmic
waters washing off all evil and filth, bringing his soul in primary,
clarified condition.
Spiritual Father, judge on posthumous court, planet of retribution. Osiris is
superior Sun. It's connected with alchemy of spirit, total and irreversible
changes in life. Operates judicial system, system of recompense for all good
and evil.
Messanger. It's connected with shamanism, dialogue to spirits, with forces
of nature. A planet of healing, intermediary between the different worlds,
for example, between the world of the people and world of animals and plants.
Anubis is connected also with raising from the dead, to talent of ecologist.