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Personal consultation with the professional astrologer



1999 News


  • 12/19/1999

  • the article Stars for City & Governor (in Russian) by Semira and Vitaly Vetash has been published
  • 11/15/1999

  • the 0-version (in Russian) of the computer system for visual forecasting Stalker-w'95 (in Russian) has been released
  • the errors and misprints in the Second Edition of the electronic book Integrated Forecasting System (in Russian) by V.Yu.Krivodub have been corrected
  • 11/11/1999

  • the program Antares 3.3 (in Russian) by Kiev School of Astrology has been released
  • 10/19/1999

  • the complete text of report (in Russian) by Albert Timashev on the Uranus in Aquarius Fourth International Conference The Information Theory As The Scientific Basis Of The Astrological Modelling (in Russian) has been published
  • 10/18/1999

  • the Second Edition of the electronic book Integrated Forecasting System (in Russian) by V.Yu.Krivodub has been published
  • 10/13/1999

  • the article Astrological Factors of Extreme Weather Seasons (in Russian) by Andrey Budarovsky has been published
  • 10/12/1999

  • new version of Astroprocessor ZET 5.11 for Windows'95 has been released
  • 10/07/1999

  • the article Astrological Theorem by Hermes Trismegistus (in Russian) by V.V.G. has been published
  • 10/03/1999

  • the chronological table (in Russian) from the book History of Astrology by Denis Kutalev has been published
  • 10/02/1999

  • the program Antares 3.2 (in Russian) by Kiev School of Astrology has been released
  • 09/29/1999

  • the Phaethon 1.0 Far Asteroids Pack has been released. It includes the ephemerides of 215 asteroids with cycles more than 20 years, the 8 of them have the retrograde motion.
  • 09/27/1999

  • the report by Albert Timashev (in Russian) on the Uranus in Aquarius Fourth International Conference has been published
  • 09/22/1999

  • the new version of Future Scanner 1.1 has been published. The Future Scanner is created with the purpose of the research of a resonance between a current geocosmic situation and the Earth nousphere.
  • 09/21/1999

  • the final version of Phaethon 1.0 has been released. Phaethon 1.0 is created with the purpose of asteroids coordinates calculation, asteroids classification, keeping and editing their descriptions. The complete version of the program calculates more then 10000 currently numbered asteroids.
  • 08/27/1999

  • the article Astrology -- The Exact Science (in Russian) by Natalia Lyashenko has been published
  • 08/26/1999

  • the new version of biography of Alfred Witte, the outstanding German astrologer-innovator of the beginning of the 20th century, founder of the Hamburg School of Astrology, under the editorship of Blake Finley has been published.
  • the new edition of the computer system for visual forecasting Stalker-w'95 3.0 from August 26, 1999 (in Russian) has been released
  • 08/24/1999

  • 08/11/1999

  • the new project at has been opened -- the personal page by Sergey Krushinsky The Protheus Lab, where a lot of different stuff will be published soon, including the school of astrology by correspondence textbook, selected artilces and lectures by the Russian astrologers, translations of the foreign books and articles on astrology and so on.
  • 08/03/1999

  • an information about the Academia Astrologiae (in Russian) by Mikhail Borisovich Levin has been published
  • 07/31/1999

  • the article Conflict In Yugoslavia Or Occasion To Talk About Astrocartography (in Russian) by Alexander Soloduhin has been published
  • 07/21/1999

  • the article Asteroids: New Point Of View (in Russian) by Dmitry Nizhelchenko has been published
  • 06/29/1999

  • the article Search of Rhythms of Russian History XVII-XVIII (in Russian) by Andrey Budarovsky has been published
  • 06/08/1999

  • the program Antares 3.1 (in Russian) by Kiev School of Astrology has been released
  • the article-forecast Balkan War: Astrologer's Comment (in Russian) by Elena Zimovets has been published
  • the information about Aryan Ural Golden-Ring Avestan Tour-Festival "Following in Zarathushtra Steps'1999" (in Russian) has been added
  • Avessalom Podvodny has created his Personal Home Page
  • 05/26/1999, 12:25 EDT Associated Press, Vatican

  • Pope Ponders the End of the World
    Pope John Paul II said Wednesday that it is natural for humans to wonder when the world will end, and advised all to await the day with serenity and hope. "Nowadays, everything happens with incredible speed - because of the breakthroughs in science and technology and the expanded means of communication," the pontiff said at his weekly audience in St. Peter's Square. "It is therefore natural to question what humanity's destiny is and what its final goal is," he said. The pontiff, who turned 79 last week, told the hundreds of pilgrims who assembled in the square on this perfectly sunny day that the tension surrounding the "final event" must be faced with "calm hope."
  • 05/27/1999

  • the new edition of the computer system for visual forecasting Stalker-w'95 3.0 from May 27, 1999 (in Russian) has been released
  • the program Antares 3.0 (in Russian) by Kiev School of Astrology has been released
  • 05/21/1999

  • the program Helios 2.1 (in Russian) by the Kiev School of Astrology has been released
  • 05/11/1999

  • the second version of the program Helios (in Russian) by the Kiev School of Astrology has been released
  • the Looking for Sponsor advertisement (in Russian) for the Astrological Forecast program on the Orenburg TV has been published
  • 04/15/1999

  • the demo-version of the program Predictor (in Russian) intended for the analysis of the periodic influences on the base of mathematical statistics has been published
  • 04/14/1999

  • 04/05/1999

  • information about the book Hermes - Grandchild of Atlant (in Russian) by Mikhail Seryakov has been published
  • 03/30/1999

  • has moved to the new machine
  • 03/25/1999

  • new version of Astroprocessor Germes 1.2 for DOS (in Russian) has been released
  • 03/22/1999

  • the new version of the program Antares 2.0 (in Russian) by Kiev School of Astrology has been released
  • 03/16/1999

  • the article Runic Mandala (in Russian) by M. Pustotnik has been published
  • 03/12/1999

  • For the first time the complete psychic readings of the greatest and the most documented prophet of the XX century are published on the Internet. At this time all information is available in English only. Russian version is coming soon.
  • 03/03/1999

  • the information about Perm Avestan School of Astrology by P.Globa (in Russian), Aryan Ural Golden-Ring Avestan Tour-Festival "Following in Zarathushtra Steps" (in Russian) with visiting of Arkaim (in Russian) have been updated, and the information about Library of Spiritual Revival (in Russian) has been added
  • 02/23/1999

  • the Program of International Workshops and Schools of School of Classical Astrology for Spring-Summer 1999 has been published
  • 02/10/1999

  • the brief article about fire in Park Gorkogo, Moscow 2/09/1999 (in Russian) by Boris Romanov has been published
  • 02/09/1999

  • the article Russian National Idea (in Russian) by Boris Romanov has been published
  • 02/06/1999

  • thanks to Migordi each page of the main contents has the musical accompaniment now, that highly disposes to meditation. The number of compositions is only eight, but in the future Migordi promise to extend this collection, and we thank him very much for his assistance!
  • 02/05/1999

  • 01/28/1999

  • an information about Fourth International Astrological Congress "On the Way to the Global Astrology" (in Russian) & Seventh International Astrological School (in Russian) has been added
  • the demonstration version of Almagest 7.0 for Windows (in Russian) has been added to Free Downloads
  • the answer to the authors (in Russian) of Apocalypse 2000 site ( with comments by Albert Timashev (in Russian) has been published
  • a link to personal page by astrolog Irina Makarova (in Russian) with the discriptions of her new practical methods of the natal charts rectification has been added
  • 01/26/1999

  • Astroprocessor Germes 1.1 for DOS (in Russian) has been added to Free Downloads
  • 01/19/1999

  • the one of the most well-known Russian astrological programs Almagest 6.1 for Windows (in Russian) has been added to Free Downloads
  • 01/18/1999

  • the new versions of the programs Antares (in Russian) and Helios (in Russian) by the Kiev School of Astrology have been added to Free Downloads
  • 01/15/1999

  • the articles Mathematicians - Herostrates of the History (in Russian) by Sergey P. Novikov and Astronomy & Chronology (in Russian) by Yu.N.Efremov & Yu.A.Zavenyagin with unmasking of so called "new chronology" by A.T.Fomenko have been published
  • the title page of has been redesigned
  • 01/12/1999

  •   33850 visitors from December 18, 1998
    8 of them on this week, including 1 today


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