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Phaethon 1.4

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Appeal to astronomers who give names to asteroids



Future Scanner 1.1

Win*Star 2.0 Plus


Antares 6.1

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DE406/LE406 Binary Files

DOS & Windows

Antares 5.1

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Avestan Symbols for Meditation 1.0



Phaethon 1.4
Phaethon is intended to regular updates of asteroids database, because the hundreds of new asteroids are discovered and numbered each month. Since the first Public Beta of Phaethon has been released in December 1997, thousands of asteroid orbits have been calculated and numbered by astronomers.

Phaethon Asteroids Database from January 2005
Ephemerides of 96,154 numbered asteroids from 1 to 96,154 inclusive from 1500 to 2200 AD.
Four CD-ROMs with up-to-date Phaethon Asteroids Database are available for FREE for the registered Phaethon users only, who can order them on-line or contact the Author. You will pay the shipping cost only.

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Copyright © 1997-2005, Albert Timashev
  32629 visitors from April 27, 1998
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Consulting Service of the Russian Professional Astrology
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This page and all pages contained in the domain may not be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without written permission from the author and the domain owner. Copyright © 1996-2004, Albert Timashev