The offered version of the programm is demo, at absence of the key file all
calculations can be executed only for people born in 1963 ("1963" is entered
automatically while the user is entering the birth date). The full version
of Antares 6.1 is for charge; if you are interested in it, email me
and I'll explain to you, what you have to do.
You can use also Antares 5.1 for DOS, where restrictions
concern only automatic horoscope rectification.
The program is distributed as the ant60en.exe self-exctract archive
file. For installation it on your computer act in the following way:
save the file ant60en.exe on the hard disk
extract it, the folder Antares.6-1 will be created
copy the key file to this folder
drag the shortcut Antares.exe from the folder onto the desktop
start the program, select the option Help - Information in the main menu and fulfil all instructions stated there
All questions, wishes and remarks please email to Vitaly Krivodub.