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Phaethon 1.4

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Antares 6.1

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Antares 5.1

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Avestan Symbols for Meditation 1.0



Phaethon 1.4
Albert Timashev invites you to join the Phaethon Developer's Program!

If you are an astrological or astronomical software developer, you may join the Phaethon Developer's Program. For this reason, first, you must download Phaethon 1.3 demo. Then you must incorporate the support of Phaethon Asteroids Database (files with extensions ODL and IDL) into your program. After this, let Albert Timashev know, that now your program supports the Phaethon Asteroids Database, and give to him a demo, shareware or full version (free of charge) of your program with Phaethon Asteroids Database support.
In case you give full version of your program, you'll receive FREE CD-ROM with FULL up-to-date Phaethon Asteroids Database and FREE license for using "Phaethon Asteroids Database™ Compatible" words and Phaethon Asteroids Database Logo in your product and its documentation.
In any case you may discuss with Albert Timashev the terms of condition about including the full Phaethon Asteroids Database directly into the distribution package of your product. Full Phaethon Asteroids Database must be supplied on three CD-ROMs or DVD-R/Rw only, because it occupies over 1.5Gb and includes orbital parameters of ALL numbered asteroids from 1500 to 2200 AD. However, the files may be truncated or expanded to any shorter or longer time interval or asteroids collection according to your needs.

Below you will find all details on Phaethon Asteroids Database files structure that is required for developing of the Phaethon Asteroids Database™ support. Source is written in Pascal/Delphi language and may be converted to any other programming languages with ease. If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask Albert Timashev.
Please, pay attention, that from version 1.3 the diameter in kilometers instead of orbital period in years is given in line number 6*n-1 of IDL files, if the diameter is known. If the diameter is unknown, this line is empty.

  ODL_marker = 'OrbitLibrary0'; { Orbit Data Library file marker }
  ODL_Extension = 'odl';        { Orbit Data Library extension }
  IDL_Extension = 'idl';        { Information Data Library extension }
  MaxOrbitsInLib = $FFFE DIV SizeOf(LongInt);
  { -=- Orbit Data Library structure -=- }
  { first part of header }
  ODL_header1 =
    FileMarker   : Array [1..Length(ODL_marker)] of Char;
                            { always equal to constant ODL_marker }
    StepInDays   : Single;  { step between records in days }
    FirstRecTime : Double;  { first record Julian date/time }
    LastRecTime  : Double;  { last record Julian date/time }
    NOrbits      : LongInt; { number of orbits stored in this library }
  End ;
  { second part of header:
    actual size equals to ODL_header1.NOrbits*SizeOf(LongInt) bytes
    actual index range is 1..ODL_header1.NOrbits }
  ODL_header2 = Array [1..MaxOrbitsInLib] of LongInt;
    { asteroid number according to catalogue }

  { orbital parameters on the epoch J2000.0 }
  ODT_record =
    M_param, { mean anomaly in degrees }
    w_param, { argument of perihelion in degrees }
    o_param, { node longitude in degrees }
    i_param, { inclination in degrees }
    e_param, { eccentricity }
    n_param, { daily motion in degrees }
    a_param  { large semi-axis in AU } : Single;
  End ;

  { structure of the ODL file:
    ODL_header2 - actual size equals to
                  ODL_header1.NOrbits*SizeOf(LongInt) bytes
    ODT_record for all orbits on ODL_header1.FirstRecTime (Julian date/time)
                - actual size equals to
                  ODL_header1.NOrbits*SizeOf(ODT_record) bytes
    ODT_record for all orbits on ODL_header1.FirstRecTime+ODL_header1.Step
                - actual size equals to
                  ODL_header1.NOrbits*SizeOf(ODT_record) bytes
    ODT_record for all orbits on ODL_header1.FirstRecTime+2*ODL_header1.Step
                - actual size equals to
                  ODL_header1.NOrbits*SizeOf(ODT_record) bytes
    ODT_record for all orbits on ODL_header1.LastRecTime
                - actual size equals to
                  ODL_header1.NOrbits*SizeOf(ODT_record) bytes

  { -=- Information Data Library structure -=- }
  { structure of the IDL file (plain text):
    line number 6*n-5:    [<asteroid number according to catalogue>]
    line number 6*n-4:    <English name>
    line number 6*n-3:    <Russian name> - must be ignored by
                            non-Russian developers
    line number 6*n-2:    <style1> <style2> - must be ignored by
                            all developers
    line number 6*n-1:    <diameter in kilometers>
    line number 6*n:      ...blank line...
    where n=1,2,3,...

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Copyright © 1997-2000, Albert Timashev
  19633 visitors from September 22, 1998
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This page and all pages contained in the domain may not be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without written permission from the author and the domain owner. Copyright © 1996-2004, Albert Timashev