The Russian Professional Astrology
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Consulting Service of the Russian Professional Astrology

Consulting Service of the Russian Professional Astrology

Personal consultation with the professional astrologer


Whom of the listed Russian astrologers do you turst above all?
Pavel Globa
Mikhail Levin
Sergey Shestopalov
Karine Dilanyan
another astrologer
I don't trust any astrologer

Welcome to the largest astrological site of the Russian internet! At your service here are the Laboratory, where leading astrologers publish results of their research and observations, the Book Depository, where works of astrologers, occultists and other authors concerned to astrology are collected, the Computer Room, where the software necessary for astrological calculations is stored, the Round Table, the virtual Astrological Society existed on the principles of the self-government and democracy, the main subsection of it -- the Forum (discussion club) -- is opened for all visitors in read-only mode. The Associates section contains information on astrologers and astrological organizations, whose materials are represented here, and events such as seminars and astrological conferences. Besides, the is a home site for a number of independent Projects including astrologers' home pages. All other materials and information are collected in the Miscellaneous section. If you have any offers, comments, suggestions, please, e-mail to webmaster. News


  • the fundamental work of the famous astronomer and astrologer Johannes Kepler The Harmony of the World (Harmonice Mundi, 1619) has been published in the rare books partition
  • 04/14/2004

  • the Free April 2004 Update for Phaethon 1.3 program has been released. It includes all currently numbered asteriods (79,084 in total). Registered Phaethon users can order Free Update on-line or contact the author. You can buy the full version of the Phaethon 1.3 program using secure software online-shop ShareIt! or order it directly from the author.
  • 01/14/2004

  • the article Analysis of Russian History & Forecast for 21 Century (in Russian) by Mikhail Levin has been published
  • Albert Timashev's Russian translation of The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology by the greatest Arabic astrologer Abu Ma`Shar has been published
  • 04/12/2003

  • 01/15/2003

  • the English version of the Consulting Service of the Russian Professional Astrology has been opened
  • 04/24/2002

  • the Free April 2002 Update for Phaethon 1.2 program has been released. It includes all currently numbered asteriods (39,462 in total). Registered Phaethon users can order Free Update on-line or contact the author. You can buy the full version of the Phaethon 1.2 program using secure software online-shop ShareIt! or order it directly from the author.
  • 12/26/2001

  • the new project at -- STALKER by Pavel Karev, the home page of computer system for visual forecasting -- has been launched
  • 12/25/2001

  • the article-forecast Terrorism Acts in USA (in Russian) by Mikhail Levin has been published
  • the article Bethlehem Star (in Russian) by Vasily Prokhodchenko has been published
  • 09/27/2001

  • the article Astrologer's Investigation: The Terrorism Acts in U.S. by Albert Timashev has been published
  • 02/17/2001

  • the summary Russian translation of Arthur M. Young's The Geometry of Meaning (in Russian) (available in English) with critical notes by Albert Timashev has been published
  • the new version of Astroprocessor Germes 1.6 for DOS (in Russian) has been released
  • 02/02/2001

  • the new version of Phaethon 1.2 designed for astrological analysis of all numbered asteroids (currently 20,957 pieces) has been released. You can buy the full version of the program using secure software online-shop ShareIt! or order it directly from author
  • 02/01/2001

  • the article Conception Horoscope Or What To Do In Order To Not To Conceive (in Russian) by Vasily Prikhodchenko has been published
  • the program Vega 3.0 by Fund of the Temporal Problems, Analysis & Forecast has been published
  • the English and Russian versions of the program Antares 6.0 for Windows by Kiev School of Astrology has been published
  • the new English version of program Antares 5.1 for DOS by Kiev School of Astrology has been published
  • 01/01/2001

  • the Astroprocessor ZET home page (in Russian) has been moved to
  • 12/26/2000

  • the new edition (in Russian) of the computer system for visual forecasting Stalker-w'95 version 3.0 from December 26, 2000 have been released
  • the opportunity to download 14 lessons (in Russian) on how to work with program Stalker in one file in Windows help format (.hlp) has been enabled
  • 12/17/2000

  • the article Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn: History And Forecast (in Russian) by Dmitry Nizhelchenko has been published
  • the forecast What Does President Period Prepare For Them? (in Russian) on the fate of the new U.S. President by Sergey Kharabinsky has been published
  • the article-forecast Russia Is In Danger! (in Russian) by Nikola Stoyanovich has been published
  • 12/08/2000

  • the article Let's Talk About Oddities... Of Love? (in Russian) by Irina Vichaite has been published
  • 12/07/2000

  • the article Starry Breathing of Russian Hymns (in Russian) by Boris Romanov has been published
  • the article Natural Direction (in Russian) by Alexander Avdushkin has been published
  • 12/01/2000

  • Chat of the Round Table of has been opened
  • 11/16/2000

  • the article Reconstruction Of Major Egyptian Years by Albert Timashev has been published
  • 11/11/2000

  • the Russian translation of the article The Oldest House System: Whole-Sign Houses by Robert Hand has been published
  • 08/29/2000

  • the Hindu treatise on horary astrology Prasna Tantra has been published in the rare books partition
  • the article Osama ben Laden. The Portrait Under the Star Antares (in Russian) by Boris Romanov has been published
  • 08/21/2000

  • the complete collection of articles The Man as the Receiver of the Cosmic Influences by an outstanding German astrologer Alfred Witte and the book The Prophecies of Daniel and The Apocalypse by Sir Isaac Newton have been published in the rare books partition
  • 08/15/2000

  • 08/11/2000

  • the book Astrology: The Principle Of Planetary Hierarchy by Victor Mishnev has been published in the rare books partition
  • 08/04/2000

  • the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th lessons (in Russian) on how to work with program Stalker (in Russian) has been published
  • 08/02/2000

  • the Win*Star 2.0.4 Plus Update has been published
  • 07/31/2000

  • the English translation of the book The Complex Prediction Technique by Vitaly Krivodub has been published
  • the English version of the program Antares 5.0 by Kiev School of Astrology has been published
  • 06/18/2000

  • the book The Cosmic Clocks by famous French scientist Michel Gauquelin has been published in the rare books partition
  • 06/17/2000

  • the book Terrestrial Echo Of Solar Storms by outstanding Russian scientist A.L.Chizhevsky (A.L.Tchijevsky) has been published in the rare books partition
  • 06/11/2000

  • the rare books partition has been created, where the Selected Works by N.A.Kozyrev has been published first of all
  • 06/08/2000

  • the article August 11, 1999 Eclipse In The Sky And Its Echo On The Earth (in Russian) by Alexander Soloduhin has been published
  • the article On The Edge Of The Solar System: Kuiper Belt Asteroids (in Russian) by Dmitry Nizhelchenko has been published
  • 05/10/2000

  • the astrological map of Petersburg-Leningrad (in Russian) by Semira and V.Vetash has been published
  • 05/07/2000

  • the article The Startalks Are Wholesome for the Control of the State (in Russian) by Boris Romanov has been published
  • 05/06/2000

  • 05/04/2000

  • the site of the New Astrological Encyclopedia (NAE, in Russian) by Denis Kutalev has been launched in the testing mode
  • 04/19/2000

  • 03/17/2000

  • the article Stars for the City & the Governor (in Russian) by Semira and Vitaly Vetash has been published
  • 03/06/2000

  • the re-design of Free Downloads section has been finished, now it's called Computer Room
  • the advanced subscription manager has been installed
  • the program Antares 4.0 (in Russian) by Kiev School of Astrology has been published
  • the program for analysis and forecasting of the periodical processes Predictor 3.0 (in Russian) has been published
  • 02/09/2000

  • the article "Short Chronology" From Astrological Point Of View (in Russian) by Denis Kutalev has been published
  • 02/07/2000

  • the transformation to new design has been started, in a few days all sections of will change their look, most of them will change the internal structure too, after transformation most of all links to sections, articles, books, computer programs and other stuff will change (in IE you have to turn OFF "Show friendly HTTP error messages" in order server automaticly redirects requests from old addresses to the new ones). Please, report all problems to webmaster immediately.
  • 01/19/2000

  • the new version of Phaethon 1.1 designed for astrological analysis of all numbered asteroids has been released. Now you can buy the full version of the program using secure software selling system ShareIt!
  • 01/18/2000

  • the new version of Astroprocessor ZET 5.12 for Windows'95/98/NT has been released
  • the new editions of the computer system for visual forecasting Stalker-w'95 (in Russian) 0-version and version 3.0 from December 1, 1999 have been released
  • Previous news...

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    This page and all pages contained in the domain may not be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without written permission from the author and the domain owner. Copyright © 1996-2004, Albert Timashev